(AGENPARL) – PARIS gio 16 marzo 2023

Premier gérant d’actifs européen parmi les 10 premiers acteurs mondiaux [1], Amundi propose à ses 100 millions de clients – particuliers, institutionnels et entreprises – une gamme complète de solutions d’épargne et d’investissement en gestion active et passive, en actifs traditionnels ou réels.
Ses six plateformes de gestion internationales [2], sa capacité de recherche financière et extra-financière, ainsi que son engagement de longue date dans l’investissement responsable en font un acteur de référence dans le paysage de la gestion d’actifs.
Les clients d’Amundi bénéficient de l’expertise et des conseils de 5 300 professionnels dans 35 pays. Filiale du groupe Crédit Agricole, Amundi est cotée en Bourse et gère aujourd’hui plus de 2 000 milliards d’euros d’encours [3].
Amundi, un partenaire de confiance qui agit chaque jour dans l’intérêt de ses clients et de la société.
[1] Source : IPE « Top 500 Asset Managers » publié en juin 2022 sur la base des encours sous gestion au 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublin, Londres, Milan, Paris et Tokyo
[3] Données Amundi y compris Lyxor au 31/03/2022
Date de parution
Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. – Ressources Humaines
Who we are looking for
The Expertise Reporting Specialist will be a critical member of the Expertise Reporting Team, which is focused on ensuring the production of Periodic Reports for Amundi Clients. The successful candidate will be working with a highly experienced team of reporting specialists and collaborate with key stakeholders to ensure data quality, accuracy and customer service excellence.
Why this role is important to us
The successful candidate will collaborate with IT, business and project management contributors as well as colleagues within the Expertise Reporting team and wider Data Management & Reporting Teams. The role will have a mix of Production and Project support responsibilities within the Expertise Reporting team. The Successful Candidate will then be supporting all client reporting requirements after a phased training basis allowing further experience to be gained in this critical growth area of Amundi Dublin.
What you will be responsible for
The role will require the individual to develop a strong understanding of the content requirements and data components of the periodic reports, to build up knowledge of the internal systems and internal service providers who supply the necessary data. The role will have a strong emphasis on understanding the overall architecture of the reporting documents from a data completeness perspective.
· Support the implementation of project deliverables towards a Production Target Operational Model, strive to meet project deadlines and provide regular updates to the project organization through manager and agreed update formats
· Provide hands-on inspection of data in source systems and to troubleshoot issues that arise
· Provide feedback to the management team
· Create and run reports in accordance with required frequencies and deadlines to meet the regulatory requirements and gather data for accurate KPI reporting
· Record and track new client reporting requirements that are raised by the Client Services teams and take the necessary actions to support those requirements
We welcome applications from those who may be returning to work following a break or those who are at the beginning of their careers.
What we offer. We make all efforts to create a great and positive work environment, focusing on retaining, nurturing and rewarding talent. We offer a hybrid working arrangement, along with other great benefits. As a member of our team your comprehensive benefits package includes a range of developmental programmes to help you reach your full potential comprising of a mentorship programme, educational sponsorships and professional memberships. In addition, we facilitate opportunities for cross-functional and geographical internal mobility.
Education & Preferred Qualifications
• Bachelor Degree / BSc Degree (or equivalent relevant working experience)
• Business French, German, Spanish or Italian would be an added bonus (not essential)
• Good Excel and some VBA an advantage
• Interest in Fund Industry and Funds Data
• Knowledge of HTML/CSS would be an advantage
Fonte/Source: https://jobs.amundi.com/Pages/Offre/detailoffre.aspx?idOffre=70604&idOrigine=170287&LCID=1040&offerReference=2022-70604