(AGENPARL) – Fri 21 March 2025 This week we cover our two-part criminal courts blog series and a review of spoken language interpreting in courts.
HMCTS Update
Friday 21 March 2025
A weekly round-up of the latest news and information about courts and tribunals
Interpretation in our courts and tribunals [ https://insidehmcts.blog.gov.uk/2025/03/18/shining-a-light-on-interpretation-in-our-courts-and-tribunals/?utm_medium=email&utm_source= ]
Court or tribunal interpreters are highly skilled and experienced professionals and support around 600 hearings ranging from high security prisons to Crown Courts.
Our recent blog emphasises the importance of interpreters, how we’re increasing the support available to them and how they support us in delivering justice.
We’re enhancing safeguarding, expanding training and continuing to improve interpreter services for the future.
Review of spoken language interpreting [ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/independent-technical-review-of-qualifications-and-experience-requirements-for-the-provision-of-spoken-language-interpreting/independent-technical-review-of-qualifications-and-experience-requirements-for-the-provision-of-spoken-language-interpreting?utm_medium=email&utm_source=#executive-summary ]
This week we published an independent review of the technical qualifications and experience requirements for spoken language interpreters in courts and tribunals by Ann Carlisle, a previous CEO of the Chartered Institute of Linguists.
All of the recommendations in the review have been accepted and we are already making progress to embed them into the way we work.
Crime (new)
*How we’re improving our criminal courts [ https://insidehmcts.blog.gov.uk/2025/03/20/the-state-of-play-in-our-criminal-courts-challenges-and-current-actions-part-1/?utm_medium=email&utm_source= ]*
Our Operations Director, Daniel Flury, has written a two-part blog series about the challenges facing our criminal courts and how we’re working to address them.
In the first blog, Daniel outlines the current situation in our criminal courts [ https://insidehmcts.blog.gov.uk/2025/03/20/the-state-of-play-in-our-criminal-courts-challenges-and-current-actions-part-1/?utm_medium=email&utm_source= ], including the caseload pressures we face, and the actions we’re taking. He covers recent policy changes, Crown Court sitting days, and our investment in our court buildings.
The second blog looks to the future, setting out our plans for 2025 [ https://insidehmcts.blog.gov.uk/2025/03/21/building-the-future-of-criminal-justice-our-vision-for-2025-and-beyond-part-2/?utm_medium=email&utm_source= ] and beyond. Daniel explains how we’ll build on the foundations of the Reform Programme, improve our digital systems, better support vulnerable witnesses, and strengthen collaboration across the criminal justice system.
criminal court
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