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Global Accountability for Wrongful, Abusive, and Unjust Detentions [ https://www.state.gov/global-accountability-for-wrongful-abusive-and-unjust-detentions/ ] 12/10/2024 12:53 PM EST
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
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Global Accountability for Wrongful, Abusive, and Unjust Detentions
Press Statement
December 10, 2024
The Department of State is establishing two new visa restriction policies to promote accountability for wrongful, abusive, and unjust detention practices around the world, a critical step to address the growing trend of foreign governments unjustly detaining individuals worldwide. With these policies, the State Department can impose visa restrictions on individuals who detain people as a pretext for an illegitimate purpose, provide disparate treatment based on a detainee’s nationality, or violate a detainee’s fundamental freedoms, among other concerns. The visa restrictions can also apply to the immediate family members of an individual engaged in these acts.
Human beings should never be used as bargaining chips or be subjected to abusive or unjust detention practices. Such acts are an affront to the human rights of those detained and to their basic humanity. The United States stands in solidarity with the victims of wrongful, abusive, or unjust detentions and their families. Since President Biden took office, we have secured the release of more than 50 unjustly detained Americans, and we remain committed to working alongside our international partners to advocate for the release of all those who have been subjected to wrongful, abusive, or unjust detentions.
“These visa restriction policies are pursuant to Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.”
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