(AGENPARL) – gio 08 agosto 2024 PRESS RELEASE
The cooperation between ADM Campania and OLAF in the BBC spotlight: actions against waste trafficking
Roma, 8 agosto 2024 – The Central Anti-Fraud Directorate, headed by Cons. Sergio Gallo, with Olaf and the ADM Campania Territorial Directorate, are starring in a television report that will have a broadcast on about 80 countries by the British broadcaster BBC World Service on combating illegal waste trafficking.
The footage may be useful in portray, through voiceover narration during inspection phases, how the inspections by national and European authorities and how an efficient system of waste prevention and control.
The service carried out today at the Port of Naples has as institutional interlocutors Dr. Alessandra Santillo, Territorial Director of Campania, Dr. Antonio Carroccia contact person of the Antifraud Directorate in relations with OLAF and Dr. Luigi Garruto for OLAF.
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