(AGENPARL) – WELLINGTON (NEW ZEALAND) sab 27 maggio 2023 ENGLISH: Whakat?hea and the Crown sign Deed of Settlement
A Deed of Settlement has been signed between Whakat?hea and the Crown, 183 years to the day since Whakat?hea rangatira signed the Treaty of Waitangi, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little has announced.
Whakat?hea is an iwi based in the Bay of Plenty and its six hap? include Ng?i Tamahaua, Ng?ti Ira, Ng?ti Ngahere, Ng?ti Patumoana, Ng?ti Ruat?kena and Te ?pokorehe. They have a population of approximately 16,000 members.
“The signing of this Deed of Settlement follows three decades of negotiations between Whakat?hea and the Crown and marks the beginning of a new relationship based on trust, co-operation and partnership as was intended 183 years ago,” Andrew Little said.
“Reaching this milestone on the path to settlement has not been without its challenges, but this is a major step towards realising the aspirations of Whakat?hea for its people today and future generations to come.”
The Deed includes a Crown apology, agreed historical account, and financial and cultural redress for historical breaches of the Treaty that caused harm to Whakat?hea.
The redress package includes
The reservation of 5,000 hectares of marine space for aquaculture – a first in Treaty settlements to date
More than $100-million financial, cultural, and commercial redress
The transfer of 33 sites of cultural significance, bespoke natural resource and conservation arrangements
Relationship agreements with core Crown agencies
“It is fitting that the Deed of settlement signing was held here today in ?p?tiki, where Whakat?hea rangatira signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi those many years ago with a vision of prosperity for their people.
“While no settlement can fully compensate for the Crown’s past injustices, it is my sincere hope this redress package will support the economic future, the aspirations and prosperity of Whakat?hea for many generations to come,” Andrew Little said.
TE REO M?ORI: Kua waitohua e Te Whakat?hea me te Karauna he Whakaaetanga Whakataunga
Kua waitohua he whakaaetanga whakataunga i waenganui i Te Whakat?hea me te Karauna, i te r? ?rite p? i te 183 tau i muri mai i te hainatanga a Te Whakat?hea i te Tiriti o Waitangi, i k? te Minita m? ng? Take Tiriti o Waitangi, a Andrew Little.
Ko Te Whakat?hea he iwi e noho ana i Te Moana-a-Toitehuatahi, ?, ko ?na hap? e ono ko Ng?i Tamahaua, Ng?ti Ira, Ng?ti Ngahere, Ng?ti Patumoana, Ng?ti Ruat?kena me Te ?pokorehe. Ko t?na 16,000 ng? t?ngata o Te Whakat?hea.
“Kua whakamanatia t?nei whakaaetanga whakataunga i muri i ng? tekautau e toru o ng? whiriwhiri whakaaetanga i waenga i Te Whakat?hea me te Karauna, ka mutu ka tohu i te t?matanga o te hononga kua whakahoutia nei, e p?takea mai ana i te whakawhirinaki taharua, te mahi tahi me te rangap?, e ai ki t?r? i hiahiatia i te 183 tau ki mua,” te k? a Andrew Little.
“Ehara i te mea k?ore he uauatanga i te haerenga mai ki t?nei t??oma, ki t?nei tohu nui i te ara ki te whakaaetanga whakataunga, engari ia he tino nekenga whakamua t?nei ki te whakatinanatanga o ng? t?manakohanga o Te Whakat?hea, ?na t?ngata o n?ianei me ?na whakatupuranga e heke mai nei.”
Kei roto i te Whakaaetanga Whakataunga he k?rero tuku iho kua whakaae tahitia, te puretumu ahumoni, ahurea hoki m? ng? mahi o mua i takahi i te Tiriti o Waitangi ka p? kino ki Te Whakat?hea.
E whai w?hi ana ki te m?k? puretumu
T?tahi w?hi r?hui e 5000 heketea te rahi o te takutai moana m? ng? mahi ahumoana, he tuatahitanga t?nei m? ng? whakataunga Tiriti.
Te whakawhitinga o ng? w?hi ahurea hira e 33, me ?tahi whakaritenga rawa taiao me te wh?omoomo e ahurei ana;
Neke atu i te $100 miriona hei puretumu ahumoni, ahurea, me te arumoni;
?tahi whakaaetanga hononga ki ng? tari k?wanatanga matua; me
“E tika ana kia t? te waitohu i te Whakaaetanga Whakataunga ki konei i t?nei r? ki ?p?tiki, te w?hi i hainatia ai te Tiriti o Waitangi e ng? rangatira o Te Whakat?hea i ng? tau tini i mua, me t? r?tou wawata kia tau mai te t?nuitanga ki runga i ? r?tou iwi.
“Ahakoa e kore rawa e taea e t?tahi whakaaetanga whakataunga te utu an? i ng? mahi kino a te Karauna i mua, ko taku tino t?manako nei, ka tautoko t?nei m?k? puretumu i te taha ohaoha, ng? wawata me te taurikura o Te Whakat?hea m? ng? whakatupuranga maha kei te heke tonu mai,” te k? a Andrew Little.
Fonte/Source: https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/whakat%C5%8Dhea-and-crown-sign-deed-settlement