(AGENPARL) – JöNKöPING lun 22 maggio 2023 Our dental and oral health is getting better and better. This has been shown by the Jönköping survey, one of the world’s largest surveys of a population’s dental health. But how much better could our mouths and teeth be? The study has taken place every ten years since 1973. Together with the Centre for Odontology and Oral Health at the School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University and the Department of Odontology at the Public Dental Service in Jönköping County, the study is now being conducted again.
Fonte/Source: http://ju.se/en/research/news/news-archive/2023-05-22-one-of-the-largest-oral-and-dental-health-surveys-in-the-world.html