(AGENPARL) – MANCHESTER mar 18 aprile 2023
To mark its 30th anniversary, Industry and Innovation has selected a collection of 30 impactful research articles published in the journal across its different Editorships to date.
The Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIOIR) has reason to celebrate as three of its researchers have been selected to be featured in the 30-year anniversary issue of Industry and Innovation. The prestigious journal has selected 30 impactful research articles published across its different Editorships over the last three decades.
The first paper is “Do Services Innovate (Differently)? Insights from the European Innobarometer Survey” by Bruce S. Tether. The paper challenges the notion that services are non-innovative and instead proposes that they tend to innovate differently from manufacturers. Through empirical analysis of a survey of European firms carried out in 2002, Tether sheds light on the softer aspects of innovation in services based on skills and inter-organizational cooperation practices.
Elvira Uyarra and Kieron Flanagan’s paper, “Four dangers in innovation policy studies – and how to avoid them,” discusses the field of innovation policy studies and its crossroads. The paper identifies four dangerous tendencies that could compromise the critical insight necessary for innovation policy studies to remain influential. Based on this, the paper suggests ways forward that deal better with the complex multi-actor dynamics, fundamental uncertainties, and challenges to the implementation, coordination, and evaluation of policies.
Cornelia Lawson’s paper, “The Open Innovation in Science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation approach,” explores openness and collaboration in scientific research. The paper links dispersed knowledge on open innovation, open science, and related concepts to propose a unifying Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Framework. The framework involving 47 scholars captures the antecedents, contingencies, and consequences of open and collaborative practices along the entire process of generating and disseminating scientific insights and translating them into innovation.
Together, these papers showcase the diversity and depth of research being conducted by MIOIR researchers in the field of innovation studies.
You can download the Industry and Innovation 30th Anniversary Collection here.
Fonte/Source: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/mioir-researchers-featured-in-the-30-year-anniversary-issue-of-industry–innovation/