(AGENPARL) – lun 17 aprile 2023 [Manitoba Media Notice]
April 17, 2023
Manitoba Government Provides $200,000 in Funding to
Candace House
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Funding to Support Victims of Crime and Survivors
Crucial to Healing: Goertzen
The Manitoba government is providing $200,000 in new funding to assist with programs and services offered through Candace House, a non-profit organization that supports victims and survivors of violent crime, Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced today.
“We know how integral Candace House is in helping people in their healing journeys. The direct emotional and practical support and services that are offered benefit victims and survivors,” said Goertzen. “The Department of Justice is pleased to participate in delivering victim support alongside the staff of Candace House.”
Candace House resulted from the vision of Wilma and Cliff Derksen, who became strong advocates for victims after losing their daughter, Candace, to homicide in 1984.
“In the short time that we’ve been open, Candace House has supported over 1,000 family members as they navigate the justice system, and the need continues to grow,” said Cecilly Hildebrand, executive director, Candace House. “Our ‘Honouring Courage’ campaign seeks to raise $1 million to increase our footprint and our services. To that end, we are thrilled with the $200,000 grant from the Manitoba government. These funds will go a long way in expanding the wraparound support we are able to provide to families impacted by homicide.”
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