(AGENPARL) – BRUXELLES lun 20 marzo 2023 Even if QT is as inefficient as QE at affecting inflation, now is the time to cut the size of central banks’ balance sheets. The stabilising effects of large balance sheets are eroded as the financial markets adapt to excess reserves. If QT proves to be financially destabilising, it can be temporarily interrupted, possibly even reversed.
This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) ahead of the Monetary Dialogue with the ECB President on 20 March 2023.
Fonte : © Unione europea, 2023 – PE
Fonte/Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/it/document/IPOL_IDA(2023)741479