(AGENPARL) – gio 09 marzo 2023 Update from GOV.?UK for: News and communications The 10 INSTEX shareholder states have decided to liquidate INSTEX due to continued obstruction from Iran Page summary: The UK, France and Germany (the E3) have issued a joint statement announcing the liquida…
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Update from GOV.?UK for:
News and communications
[The 10 INSTEX shareholder states have decided to liquidate INSTEX due to continued obstruction from Iran](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-10-instex-shareholder-states-have-decided-to-liquidate-instex-due-to-continued-obstruction-from-iran?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications-topic&utm_source=0710eebd-cecd-4120-ac85-3cc22da9911f&utm_content=immediately)
Page summary:
The UK, France and Germany (the E3) have issued a joint statement announcing the liquidation of INSTEX.
Change made:
First published.
Time updated:
5:30pm, 9 March 2023
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