(AGENPARL) – ven 09 dicembre 2022 Magical serpents and moving images
The British Library
Study wherever you are
[What’s on](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDG-1/c.aspx)
[Support us](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDL-1/c.aspx)
If you’re looking for a new skill to kick off 2023, either as a festive present for a loved one or as a treat to yourself, take a look at our range of courses in the early new year.
[Courses at the Library](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDM-1/c.aspx)
[Courses online](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDN-1/c.aspx)
[See all our courses](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDO-1/c.aspx)
Age-old traditions
[Book for Medieval Legends](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDP-1/c.aspx)
Medieval Legends
This six-week course showcases myths and stories of the Middle Ages, from the legends of Alexander to the 14th-century French tale of Mélusine, a magical serpent-woman. As part of the course, you will receive a special tour of our [Alexander the Great: The Making of a Myth](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDQ-1/c.aspx) exhibition.
[Book now](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDP-1/c.aspx)
[Book for Introduction to Latin](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-OKNM-6TJVT-HMHDR-1/c.aspx)
Introduction to Latin
Meanwhile, this two-day course will offer you an introduction to the Classical Latin language, equipping you with the basic skills to translate Latin into English, and also revealing how knowledge of Latin can help you better understand the English language.