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Congratulations to the Belizean People on Their Democratic Election [ https://www.state.gov/congratulations-to-the-belizean-people-on-their-democratic-election/ ] 03/14/2025 07:47 PM EDT
Marco Rubio, Secretary of State
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Congratulations to the Belizean People on Their Democratic Election
Press Statement
March 14, 2025
The United States congratulates the Honorable John Briceño on his successful re-election for a second term as Prime Minister of Belize. We applaud the people of Belize for their unwavering commitment to a democratic electoral process.
Belize and the United States continue to share a close partnership based on democratic values, cultural ties, and a dedication to improving the security and prosperity of our hemisphere. We appreciate Belize’s strong partnership in combating transnational crime and look forward to our continued cooperation to fight illicit trafficking, money laundering, and corruption. The United States also commends Belize’s efforts to stop illegal migration, and we look forward to expanding our cooperation to enhance border security. Finally, we thank Prime Minister Briceño and the Belizean people for their continued strong partnership with Taiwan, another democratic force for good in our region.
We are confident that, working together as partners, the United States and Belize can create conditions that will lead to prosperity, security, and opportunity for both our nations.
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