(AGENPARL) – mar 10 dicembre 2024 Screenshot (124).png
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In 2023, listeriosis cases reached their highest level since 2007, while campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis remained the most frequently reported zoonotic diseases in the EU. Overall, reported cases of zoonotic diseases in humans increased, but foodborne outbreaks saw a slight decline. These are the main findings of the annual EU One Health Zoonoses Report by EFSA and ECDC.
The number of reported human cases of listeriosis (2,952) showed a consistent rise over the 2019– 2023 period, hitting their highest levels since 2007. This might be linked to Europe’s ageing population — 21.3% of Europeans are now over 65 years old — which, in connection with the growing prevalence of chronic age-related diseases, raises the risk of severe symptoms in older age groups. Contaminated ready-to-eat (RTE) foods, such as cold smoked salmon, meat products and dairy products, are the most common source of infections. The latest data show that the proportion of samples from RTE food categories that exceed food safety contamination limits for Listeria monocytogenes ranged from 0.11% to 0.78%, with the highest level reported for fermented sausages.
Campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis were the most frequently reported zoonotic diseases in humans in the EU. In 2023, 148,181 campylobacteriosis cases were reported, marking an increase from 139,225 in 2022.
After campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis was the second most reported gastrointestinal infection in humans, with 77,486 cases, compared to 65,478 cases in 2022. Only 15 Member States and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) successfully met all established targets for the reduction of Salmonella in poultry. This represents a decrease compared to 2022, when 19 Member States reached full compliance.
“The persistent presence of Salmonella in poultry populations highlights the need for continuous vigilance in combatting foodborne diseases. Enhanced surveillance tools like whole genome sequencing are invaluable in detecting and controlling outbreaks more effectively,” said Frank Verdonck, Head of EFSA’s Biological Hazards & Animal Health and Welfare unit.
The report also monitors foodborne outbreaks in the EU, defined as events during which at least two people contract the same illness from the same contaminated food. A total of 5,691 foodborne outbreaks were reported in 2023, registering a slight decrease compared to the previous year. However, the number of human cases, hospitalizations, and deaths increased, with fatalities reaching their highest level in a decade. Salmonella remained the leading cause of foodborne outbreaks, cases, hospitalisations and deaths. The most frequent sources of salmonellosis outbreaks were eggs/egg products, mixed food and broiler meat. The increased use of whole genome sequencing improved the sensitivity of surveillance, enhancing the ability to detect outbreaks in Member States that implemented it.
“The rise in severe outcomes from foodborne outbreaks highlights the persistent public health threat posed by Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens. By integrating human, animal, and environmental health through a One Health strategy, we can better prevent the spread of these diseases and protect public health,” said Celine Gossner, Head of ECDC’s Emerging, Food- and Vector-Borne Diseases Section.
One Health is a multi-sectoral approach that aims to balance and optimise the health of people, animals, plants and their shared environment, recognising their interconnection. By promoting joint actions, One Health brings together professionals from various disciplines to tackle complex health threats in an integrated manner.
EFSA is publishing a plain language summary (PLS) — a simplified version of EFSA’s European Union One Health 2023 Zoonoses Report — along with story maps and dashboards which allow users to search and visualise data on foodborne outbreaks and 14 zoonotic pathogens. Notably, six story maps and four dashboards are being published for the first time on Echinococcus, Q fever, rabies, Toxoplasma gondii, Trichinella, Tularaemia, West Nile virus and Yersinia.
The European Union One Health 2023 Zoonoses Report | EFSA
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