(AGENPARL) – PARIS mar 30 maggio 2023
Entità : A proposito di Amundi
Primo asset manager europeo fra i primi 10 operatori a livello mondiale [1], Amundi propone ai suoi 100 milioni di clienti – privati, istituzionali e corporate – una gamma completa di soluzioni di risparmio e di investimento in gestione attiva e passiva, in asset tradizionali o reali.
Grazie alle sei piattaforme di gestione internazionali [2], alle capacità di ricerca finanziaria ed extra-finanziaria ed all’impegno di lunga data nell’investimento responsabile, Amundi è un nome di riferimento nel settore dell’asset management.
I clienti di Amundi possono contare sulle competenze e sulla consulenza di 5.300 professionisti in 35 paesi. Controllata del gruppo Crédit Agricole, Amundi è quotata in Borsa e gestisce oggi AUM per oltre 2.000 miliardi di euro [3].
Amundi, un partner di fiducia che lavora ogni giorno nell’interesse dei suoi clienti e della società
[1] Fonte: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” pubblicato a giugno 2022, sulla base delle masse in gestione al 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublino, Londra, Milano, Parigi e Tokyo
[3] Dati Amundi, compreso Lyxor, al 31/03/2022
Funzione aziendale : Tipo di Funzione Crédit Agricole S.A./Asset Management
Contratto : Tempo indeterminato
Descrizione dell’incarico :
Who we are looking for
The successful candidate in this role is a seasoned analyst with a bottom up fundamental stock-picking approach, with proven track record of alpha generation. We are looking for a team player who works well in a collaborative environment. The candidate is confident in challenging company management teams on strategy and financial performance. The successful candidate in this role has knowledge of Portfolio Construction, a positive attitude and willingness to learn.
Why this role is important to us
The Equity Business Line HQ is located in Dublin, with hubs across other European cities. Equity research is the key idea engine for our investments platform and investment process. We have a team of c. 12 dedicated Equity Analysts broken into different macro sectors that are working collaboratively with PMs to generate alpha, by analysing companies and producing new ideas for inclusion across portfolios.
What you will be responsible for
Generate new investment ideas for long only funds across Equity department
Maintain coverage for invested cases (financial and valuation models)
Monitor newsflow / results of companies under coverage and articulate impact on investment case
Knowledge and ability to integrate ESG into investment cases
About Amundi
What we do. With close to 5,500 team members, and market experts in 35 countries, Amundi provides retail, institutional and corporate clients with innovative investment strategies and solutions tailored to their needs, targeted outcomes and risk profiles. Amundi manages 1.904 trillion euros of assets across six main investment hubs.
What we offer. We make all efforts to create a great and positive work environment, focusing on retaining, nurturing and rewarding talent. As a member of our team, you will shave access to competitive and comprehensive benefits package inclusive of flexible work options, mentorship as well as an opportunity for cross-functional and geographical internal mobility and a range of development programmes to help you reach your full potential.
Inclusion, Diversity and Social & Societal Responsibility. We pride ourselves in being a responsible and committed financial player. We are keen to develop a responsible, demanding vision of our business, paying rigorous attention to our employees ensuring there is equal opportunity, diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination. Amundi Ireland aim to help provide the tools to help balance your professional and personal life providing access to employee networks, such as our Women’s Network, Charity Committee and Mental Health Champions.
Sede di lavoro : Dublin
Livello minimo richiesto d’istruzione : Diploma di scuola secondaria superiore/Maturità
Fonte/Source: https://jobs.amundi.com/Pages/Offre/detailoffre.aspx?idOffre=79789&idOrigine=170287&LCID=1040&offerReference=2023-79789