(AGENPARL) – BRUXELLES ven 21 aprile 2023 Highlights of the April plenary session included debates on the need for an EU strategy on relations with China and on children forcibly deported from Ukraine. Other debates addressed: energy storage; labour mobility and the social rights of striking non-EU lorry drivers; adoption of the cyber-package proposals; a digital euro; and Dieselgate (use of defeat devices in cars to disarm pollution control systems). Members also held debates on: a possible EU global health strategy; universal decriminalisation of homosexuality, in light of recent developments in Uganda; the IPCC report on climate change; and the EU action plan against trafficking in cultural goods. Following a statement by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, Members discussed the situation in Peru. Commissioner Johannes Hahn made statements on the need for European solidarity in saving lives in the Mediterranean, particularly in Italy, as well as on EU relations with Iraq. The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, made a statement on the 80th anniversary of the Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, was also present, participating in the latest ‘This is Europe’ debate.
Fonte : © Unione europea, 2023 – PE
Fonte/Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/it/document/EPRS_ATA(2023)747101