(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN mer 05 aprile 2023
Vladimir Putin sent
Passover greetings to Russian Jews.
The message reads, in part:
“Passover reminds the followers of Judaism of the events of the ancient past – the liberation of the Jewish people from
slavery. It symbolises the triumph of the ideals of freedom, good deeds and justice. Its centuries-old traditions are carefully passed from one generation
to another.
It is gratifying that the Jewish community in our country
leads a full and versatile life – you create new religious, educational and cultural centres, open new museums and exhibitions. Jewish organisations pay much
attention to charity and educational activities. You make a tangible
contribution to preserving inter-ethnic and inter-religious peace and take part
in educating the younger generation and introducing it to the priceless
spiritual, moral and historical heritage of their ancestors.”
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/70866