(AGENPARL) – ven 02 dicembre 2022 Apply to Sit on the City of Sacramento’s
Active Transportation Commission!
The City of Sacramento’s Active Transportation Commission is recruiting for six commission seats!
The Commission was established for the purpose of providing advice on strategies related to walking and bicycling in the city. The duties of the Commission are to advise City staff and the City Council on the implementation, criteria, and priority of walking and bicycling related policies and projects.
Commissioners are appointed for a period of four years and receive a $50 stipend for each meeting they attend.
Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month starting at 6 pm. Meetings are currently held virtually, however, they may return to in-person in City Council chambers.
Applications are being accepted through December 31st, 2022. Information on the seats currently accepting applications is available below.
[MORE INFORMATION](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0b21)
https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0b22 Seat A – District 1
Member with a demonstrated history of community involvement or interest in walking or bicycling issues. Recommended for appointment by the District 1 Council member
https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0b24 Seat C – District 3
Member with a demonstrated history of community involvement or interest in walking or bicycling issues. Recommended for appointment by the District 3 Council member
https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0b26 Seat E – District 5
Member with a demonstrated history of community involvement or interest in walking or bicycling issues. Recommended for appointment by the District 5 Council member
https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0b28 Seat G – District 7
Member with a demonstrated history of community involvement or interest in walking or bicycling issues. Recommended for appointment by the District 7 Council member
Seat J – Citywide
Member with a demonstrated interest in active transportation and is qualified by training or professional experience and demonstrated leadership in one of the following categories: a licensed civil or traffic engineer; or a professional transportation planner. Recommended for appointment by the Personnel and Public Employees Committee
Seat K – Citywide
Member with a demonstrated interest in active transportation and experience with advocating around transportation issues.
Recommended for appointment by the Personnel and Public Employees Committee
https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0b2c https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0b2d https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0ba6 https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h47a33e5,3e97a34,3eb0ba7
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