(AGENPARL) – ROME lun 27 giugno 2022
R 241630Z JUN 22
POC/G. GERICHTEN/CIV/TRNGCMD/MCES/TEL: COMM (910) 440-6010/EMAIL: HUFF/CIV/TECOM/PSD/DB/TEL: COMM (703) 784-6228/EMAIL: STEPHENS/CWO4/TRNGCMD/MCIS/TEL: COMM (757) 492-0255/EMAIL: GILL/CIV/TRNGCMD/MARDET FORT LEONARD WOOD/TEL: COMM (573)596-0708/EMAIL: KINNER/CIV/MAGTFTC/MCTOG/TEL: COMM (760) 401-9847/EMAIL: BUTCHER/CIV/MAGTFTC/MCTOG/TEL: COMM (760) 672-9539/EMAIL: CARTER/CWO4/TRNGCMD/MARDET FORT SILL/TEL: COMM (580) 442-5678/EMAIL: JANNERETH/CIV/TECOM/PSD/DB/TEL: COMM (703) 432-8493/EMAIL: The following publications are available via the USMC doctrine website https:(slash)(slash)usmc.sharepoint-mil.us/sites/MCEN_Support_MCDoctrine:
1.a. Marine Corps Reference Publication (MCRP) 3-34.2, Explosives and Demolitions (Ch 1-4), was approved on 30 March 2022. This publication supersedes MCRP 3-17.7L, Explosives and Demolitions (Ch 1-3), dated 11 December 2019. MCRP 3-34.2 describes the procedures engineers use to reduce the effectiveness of barriers, obstacles, infrastructure, and minefields in support of operations and training. It provides the theory of explosives, explosive characteristics and their common uses, formulas for calculating various types of charges, and the standard methods of priming and placing charges. MCRP 3-34.2 also describes how to construct charges for various applications and maintain mobility and momentum in the operational environment. This publication focuses on the demolition systems and materials required to address urban and complex environments and describes in detail the procedures required to assemble and emplace explosive charges for impartial or complete destruction. The principal audience for MCRP 3 34.2 is Marine Corps engineers at all levels.
1.b. Marine Corps Tactical Publication (MCTP) 11-10B, The Commanders Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations, was approved on 1 March 2022. It supersedes MCTP 11-10B, The Commanders Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations, dated 1 August 2017. This publication sets out fundamental principles of international and domestic law that govern those United States (U.S.) naval operations at sea of special concern to the naval commander during any period in which U.S. naval forces are engaged in armed conflict. MCTP 11-10B is intended for use by operational commanders and supporting staff elements at all levels of command. It is designed to provide officers in command and their staffs with an overview of the rules of law governing naval operations in peacetime and during armed conflict. The explanations and descriptions are intended to enable naval commanders and their staff to comprehend more fully the legal foundations upon which the orders issued to them by higher authority are premised and better understand the commanders responsibilities under international and domestic law to execute their missions within that law.
1.c. MCRP 3-20.4, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (MTTP) for Aviation Urban Operations, was approved on 22 February 2022. This publication supersedes MCRP 3-20.4, MTTP for Aviation Urban Operations, dated 27 April 2016. It is a tactical-level document for planning and conducting aviation operations in an urban environment. It complements established doctrine and provides a single-source reference to assist aviation and ground personnel in planning and executing tactical aviation support to urban operations. MCRP 3-20.4 promotes an understanding of the complexities of urban terrain, incorporating lessons learned into MTTP. This publication applies to tactical-level commanders and their staffs that participate in aviation operations in an urban environment. Other functions of airpower employment are addressed in other joint and service publications.
1.d. MCRP 2-10A.1, Signals Intelligence, was approved on 26 January 2022. This publication supersedes Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 2-15.2, Signals Intelligence, dated 22 February 1999, MCWP 2-22, Signals Intelligence, dated 13 July 2004, MCRP 2-10A, Signals Intelligence, 1 dated 2 May 2016, and Change 1 dated 4 April 2018. It describes aspects of signals intelligence (SIGINT) operations, including fundamentals, equipment, command and control, communications and information systems support, planning, execution, security, and training. Detailed information on SIGINT operations and tactics, techniques, and procedures is classified and beyond the scope of this publication. This publication’s target audience is intelligence personnel responsible for planning and executing SIGINT operations, those who provide SIGINT support, or use results from SIGINT operations. MCRP 2-10A.1 describes aspects of SIGINT operations, including fundamentals, equipment, command and control, communications and information systems support, planning, execution, security, and training. Detailed information on SIGINT operations and tactics, techniques, and procedures is classified and beyond the scope of this publication.
1.e. MCRP 3-30.4, MTTP for Conventional Forces and Special Operations Forces Integration, was approved on 25 January 2022. This publication supersedes MCRP 3-30.4, MTTP for Conventional Forces and Special Operations Forces Integration, 4 April 2018. It serves as guide to assist a commander and staff with planning and executing operations requiring integration and interoperability between conventional forces (CF) and special operations forces (SOF) while building a capacity for interdependence. MCRP 3-30.4 provides joint force operational and tactical commanders and staffs with planning guidance concerning missions, requirements, and capabilities of CF and SOF as well as tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) to effectively integrate operations across the competition continuum. It applies to United States joint forces, commanders, and their staffs.
1.f. MCRP 3-31.5, MTTP for Dynamic Targeting, was approved on 5 January 2022. This publication supersedes MCRP 3-31.5, MTTP for Dynamic Targeting, dated 10 September July 2015. It highlights common dynamic targeting tactics, techniques, and procedures, presents best practices, and includes key lessons learned from combat and major exercises. Dynamic targeting processes the joint force commanders (JFCs) critical targets, component-critical targets, targets of opportunity, and changes to planned targets or objectives. This publication focuses on land and sea targets and describes commanders objectives and guidance; multi-Service command and control, execution procedures; and planning, coordinating, organizing; and training for Development Testing (DT). It outlines multinational considerations and collaborative tools and provides DT checklist samples. MCRP 3-31.5 applies to all commanders and their staffs that participate in dynamic targeting and provides the JFC and Service components unclassified dynamic targeting MTTP. The target audience includes commanders, Service component operations and intelligence sections, and their main subordinate elements. It applies to the JFC staff counterparts, the air operations center, the battlefield coordination detachment, fire support personnel, and operators at all echelons and is intended to be used as a reference for developing other U.S. departments and agencies, allied, and coalition dynamic targeting TTP when integrating with U.S. military forces.
1.g. MCRP 10-10E.10, MTTP for Domestic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response, was approved on 22 December 2021. It provides guidance for executing domestic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response (CBRN) response operations under the auspices of Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) and describes Department of Defense (DoD) roles and responsibilities in conducting domestic CBRN responses. MCRP 10-10E.10 describes the framework for domestic response, operational fundamentals, and DSCA. The principal audience is Marine Corps commanders, leaders, and staffs, as well as civilian agency employees executing or supporting CBRN response operations in the homeland. This publication supports staff officers, noncommissioned officers, weather officers, medical personnel, and others (including the U.S. Coast Guard) involved in planning, preparing for, executing, and assessing DSCA in response to CBRN incidents within the U.S. and its territories.
1.h. MCTP 3-10A, Infantry Regiment Operations, was approved on 10 December 2021. It is a new publication that serves as a starting point for understanding the capabilities and considerations of the Marine Corps infantry regiment. This publication serves as the basic reference for infantry regiment operations and is to be used in conjunction with company, battalion, and other Marine Corps doctrine and training publications. MCTP 3-10A should particularly be used in conjunction with MCWP 3-01, Offensive and Defensive Tactics, which more comprehensively describes the procedures and considerations for offense, defense, reconnaissance, and security operations, as well as other tactical operations an infantry regiment may conduct. Similarly, it should be used in conjunction with MCWP 3-03, Stability Operations, for detailed information on the stability activities a regiment may perform. This publication is intended for infantry commanders at the battalion, regimental, and division levels and their staffs. IT is publication is a foundational document that assists in the preparation and execution of regimental-level operations in the current operational environment.
1.i. MCTP 3-34B, Combined Arms Countermobility Operations, was approved on 30 November 2021. This publication supersedes MCTP 3-34B, Combined Arms Countermobility Operations, dated 17 September 2014 and erratum dated 2 May 2016. It provides information for countermobility across the competition continuum and updates, combines, and supersedes material from MCRP 10-10.1, Countering Explosive Hazards. MCTP 3-34B is directly linked to Joint Publication (JP) 3-15, Barriers, Obstacles, and Mine Warfare for Joint Operations, MCWP 3-01, Offensive and Defensive Tactics, and connected to tactics described in MCWP 3-01, and MCWP 3-34, Engineering Operations. Although primarily oriented on the regimental landing team and below, MCTP 3-34B applies to all members of the profession of arms.
1.j. MCTP 10-10G, MTTP for Installation Emergency Management, was published on 21 July 2021. This publication supersedes MCTP 10-10G, MTTP for Installation Emergency Management, dated 23 June 2014. This publication provides the TTP associated with installation planning and preparedness for response to, and recovery from, hazards to save lives, protect property, and sustain mission readiness; and defines the roles of the DoD installation commanders and staffs in completing those tasks. This MTTP summarizes existing emergency management (EM) program policies, responsibilities, and procedures at DoD installations worldwide for all-hazards, as defined by DoD Instruction 6055.17, DoD Emergency Management (EM) Program, and to translate this policy into tactical terms applicable to military installation commanders. The contents have been written to complement Service EM program manuals, standing operating procedures, response standards, training support packages, collective task training development products, training center and unit exercises, and Service school curricula related to EM. The principal audience for this MTTP is military installation commanders, functional and Service component staffs, installation emergency managers, non-emergency management personnel performing collateral or additional EM duties, and civil service and contract EM personnel with application to the joint force command and joint task force that are tasked with the planning, preparing, and executing EM.
2. Coordinating Instructions. Units requiring print allocations must follow procedures identified in reference (a), paragraphs
4.a.2.a.2.b and 4.a.2.a.c. Marine Corps Publication Distribution System publication control numbers (PCNs), limited dissemination control (LDC), and managers are:
2.a. MCRP 3-34.2, Explosives and Demolitions (Ch 1-4)
2.a.1. PCN: 00
2.a.2. LDC: FED ONLY
2.a.3. Manager: Marine Corps Engineer School
2.b. MCTP 11-10B, The Commanders Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations
2.b.1. PCN: 01
2.b.2. LDC: NONE – Publicly Releasable AFTER review.
2.b.3. Manager: PSD
2.c. MCRP 3-20.4, MTTP for Aviation Urban Operations
2.c.1. PCN: 01
2.c.2. LDC: NONE – Publicly Releasable AFTER review.
2.c.3. Manager: Policy and Standards Division (PSD)
2.d. MCRP 2-10A.1, Signals Intelligence
2.d.1. PCN: 01
2.d.2. LDC: NONE – Publicly Releasable AFTER review.
2.d.3. Manager: Marine Corps Intelligence Schools
2.e. MCRP 3-30.4, MTTP for Conventional Forces and Special Operations Forces Integration
2.e.1. PCN: 01
2.e.2. LDC: Dissemination List DoD and U.S. DoD contractors only
2.e.3. Manager: PSD
2.f. MCRP 3-31.5, MTTP for Dynamic Targeting
2.f.1. PCN: 00
2.f.2. LDC: Dissemination List (DoD and U.S. DoD contractors only)
2.f.3. Manager: PSD
2.g. MCRP 10-10E.10, MTTP for Domestic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response.
2.g.1. PCN: 00
2.g.2. LDC: NONE – Publicly Releasable AFTER review.
2.g.3. Manager: Marine Corps Detachment, Fort Leonard Wood
2.h. MCTP 3-10A, Infantry Regiment Operations.
2.h.1. PCN: 01
2.h.2. LDC: NONE – Publicly Releasable AFTER review.
2.h.3. Manager: Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group
2.i. MCTP 3-34B, Combined Arms Countermobility Operations
2.i.1. PCN: 01
2.i.2. LDC: DoD and DoD Contractors Only
2.i.3. Manager: Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group
2.j. MCTP 10-10G, MTTP for Installation Emergency Management
2.j.1. PCN: 01
2.j.2. LDC: FED ONLY
2.j.3. Manager: Marine Corps Detachment, Fort Leonard Wood
3. Publication Renumbering. The following publication number is changed:
3.a. Fire Support Systems for Marine Air Ground Task Force Operations.
3.a.1. Legacy: MCRP 3-10F.1.
3.a.2. New: MCRP 3-31.7.Manager: Marine Corps Detachment Fort Sill
4. The Marine Corps doctrine library transitioned to a new site. Please update your bookmarks to https:(slash)(slash)usmc.sharepoint-mil.us/sites/MCEN_Support_MCDoctrine.
5. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force.
6. Release authorized by Lieutenant General Kevin M. Iiams, Commanding General, Training and Education Command.//
Fonte/Source: https://www.marines.mil/News/Messages/Messages-Display/Article/3073823/availability-of-recently-approved-doctrine-and-training-publications-and-public/