(AGENPARL) – BRUXELLES gio 23 giugno 2022

This is a decisive moment for the European Union. This is also a geo-political choice that we will make today. I am confident that today we will grant the candidate status to Ukraine and to Moldova and express a clear and strong European perspective for Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.
We also have this morning an important meeting with the leaders of the Western Balkans. This is an important moment because there is a very strong political will to re-energise the process with the Western Balkans, to send a very clear and strong message. Of course, for the time being, there are still discussions in Bulgaria.
We will follow the situation closely. We are involved with the French rotating Presidency to put proposals on the table, to be able to start the negotiations with Albania and with North Macedonia as soon as possible. This is a top priority for us. We will do everything to achieve an outcome on that important topic and to make sure that all the efforts made regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina will have a positive effect for defusing the political tensions in the country and for making sure that the institutions are working in the country.
Fonte/Source: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/06/23/doorstep-of-president-charles-michel-ahead-of-the-european-council-and-the-eu-western-balkans-leaders-meeting/