PRESS RELEASE ———————————————————— Barrick delivered a strong performance in Q4,increasing gold production by 15% and copper production by 33% over Q3 to meet its annual guidance for the year. Additionally,gold cost of sales and total cash costs for the quarter were reduced by 3% and 5%,respectively. The results for the year,released today,report a 69% increase in net earnings to $2.14 billion,a 51% increase in adjusted net earnings to $2.21 billion and a 30% rise in attributable EBITDA to $5.19 billion for 2024 — the highest in over a decade. Year-on-year operating cash flow increased 20% to $4.49 billion and free cash flow more than doubled to $1.32 billion,driven by the stronger earnings. A quarterly dividend of $0.10 per share was maintained,bringing the total annual dividend paid to shareholders to $696 million,and a further $498 million was returned in buying back shares. ———————————————————— Barrick today announced the declaration of a dividend of $0.10 per share for the fourth quarter of 2024. The dividend is consistent with the Company’s Performance Dividend Policy announced at the start of 2022. ———————————————————— Barrick announced today that it plans to undertake a new share repurchase program for the buyback of its common shares. ———————————————————— Mark Bristow will host a presentation today with an interactive webinar linked to a conference call. ============================================================ Barrick Gold Corporation This email was sent to (mailto:) why did I get this? (https://barrick.us8.list-manage.com/about?u=1fb897e7de3c7c405313b2a7c&id=decb6751ae&e=f730a4356f&c=e531b47c7c) unsubscribe from this list (https://barrick.us8.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=1fb897e7de3c7c405313b2a7c&id=decb6751ae&t=b&e=f730a4356f&c=e531b47c7c) update subscription preferences (https://barrick.us8.list-manage.com/profile?u=1fb897e7de3c7c405313b2a7c&id=decb6751ae&e=f730a4356f&c=e531b47c7c) Barrick Gold Corporation . 161 Bay Street,Suite 3700 . Toronto,Ontario M5J 2S1 . Canada