(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN gio 27 aprile 2023
Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with President of the Russian Association of Fertiliser
Producers Andrei Guryev.
of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Guryev, over the past decade Russia
has increased fertiliser production by 40 percent, becoming one of the world’s leaders
in this area. It is fully self-sufficient in all main types of fertilisers.
However, we are aware of the problems this industry is facing today.
Of course, it
would be very interesting for me to hear your assessment on what is happening
today and what must be done in terms of support. I hope you will tell me not only
about your company’s work, which a national and global leader, but also about
the industry as a whole, considering that you are one of the top leaders of RAFP.
Go ahead, please.
of the Russian Association of Fertiliser Producers Andrei Guryev: Thank you, Mr President. I am
grateful for the meeting.
In fact, I would like to start with our mineral fertiliser industry. As you said, today we
are a leader, and guarantor, of food security, and not just in the Russian Federation
but throughout the world.
Over the past
decade, we have increased production of all types of fertilisers by 40 percent – up to 55 million tonnes. We have surpassed the United States and India
in this respect, and we are now second in the world after China. This is really an enormous achievement.
Of course, our
priority is the Russian domestic market. We are fully meeting demand. In the past decade, fertiliser sales in the Russian market have increased by 2.5 times – to 13.2 million tonnes. This is an all-time record.
And, of course, we are now the world’s largest exporter of mineral fertilisers, with an export capacity of about 37–38 million tonnes, although that was in 2021. In 2022, it is clear that we had a slight drop due to the sanctions and all the export problems that happened.
Nevertheless, all of this has been made possible
thanks to the largest investments that have been made over the last 10 years.
In 2013, our industry began a new investment cycle, and 1.8 trillion rubles was
invested – big numbers. We paid more than 600 billion rubles in taxes alone
during that time. In 2022, we paid about 200 billion rubles in taxes, which is
also a record for our industry.
We have 36
enterprises in 21 regions of the country, and more than 110,000 professional,
highly skilled people working in our industry. And I would also like to say
something about the industry’s social policy: indeed, this is a champion
industry – we are developing rapidly and investing. Average wages in 2022
increased by 16 percent, and in leading companies, such as PhosAgro, even by 22
Vladimir Putin: How much do your people receive on average?
Andrei Guryev: The average wage is 130,000 rubles. It varies
by region, but this is the average, and it also depends on bonuses.
Accordingly, different companies have their own social policies: some pay more,
some less, but I nevertheless think the results are good.
Vladimir Putin: It is complicated work, a complicated
Andrei Guryev: Speaking of exports, over the past 10 years, Russia
has accounted for one-third of global growth in fertiliser production.
Vladimir Putin: That’s a record.
Andrei Guryev: For 10 years, we have been increasing
nitrogen by 50 percent, phosphorus by 55 percent and potassium fertilisers by about 30 percent. There was a drop in 2022, but it is again due to sanctions
and so on.
To be continued.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/71004