(AGENPARL) – MOSCOW lun 03 aprile 2023
The President endorsed a list of instructions following a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Agency
for Strategic Initiatives on February 9, 2023.
The Government
of the Russian Federation has been instructed to review, with the participation
of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), the experience of the Professional
Football Club CSKA in creating an accessible (barrier-free) environment for disabled
people and to present proposals on using this experience in the regions of the Russian Federation.
to the Government of the Russian Federation, jointly with the Agency for Strategic
Initiatives concern the implementation of the best projects and practices on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Lugansk People’s Republic, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions with a view to improving the living
standards and developing business.
for the Government of the Russian Federation jointly with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and with the participation of the State Council on Social
Policy concern the expansion of prosthesis production and support for small
businesses in this area, including ensuring the manufacture of components for prostheses, including e-components, such as micromotors and microchips.
The Government
of the Russian Federation has been instructed, jointly with the Agency for Strategic
Initiatives and the Professional Skills Development Agency (WorldSkills Russia),
to review the issue of drafting international programmes for the education of personnel for high-tech economic industries with the involvement of their
partners from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and other interested
The Presidential
Executive Office has been instructed, jointly with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives
and the executive government bodies of the Samara Region, to generalise the latter’s
experience in implementing measures of targeted support for the participants in the special military operation and members of their families, and to submit this
information to the Government of the Russian Federation and regional executive government
bodies with a view to considering this experience in carrying out the said
The Agency for Strategic Initiatives has been instructed, jointly with the Government of the Russian
Federation, to submit proposals on drafting and implementing the University of Entrepreneurs education programme. In the process, they are to consider
opportunities to implement higher education pilot programmes based on the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) and other education institutions.
The Agency for Strategic Initiatives has been instructed, jointly with the Government of the Russian
Federation and regional executive government bodies, to ensure the drafting of a programme for the business growth of promising domestic companies. In the process
they are to identify, select, promote and expand the activities of these companies;
determine priority industries and areas for activity; expand the manufacture of domestic products; and increase sales and promotion in foreign markets.
to the Agency for Strategic Initiatives with the participation of the leading business
and sector associations of entrepreneurs and interested companies concern the involvement
of economic entities, including state corporations and companies with state participation,
into projects on creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities.
The Agency for Strategic Initiatives has been instructed to conduct an annual competition for best
domestic brands and award its winners as part of the Forum Strong Ideas for a New Time.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/acts/assignments/orders/70822