(AGENPARL) – ven 17 febbraio 2023 WHO Media
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WHO launches funding appeal for earthquake response in Türkiye and Syrian Arab Republic
WHO’S Immediate funding requirement: US$ 84.57 million
Geneva, 17 February 2023– The World Health Organization has launched an updated flash appeal for US$ 84.5 million to respond to health needs after the earthquake in both Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic.
The flash appeal outlines the health situation in the two countries following this humanitarian disaster, the main threats to health, the WHO response since the earthquakes hit and priorities for addressing the health impacts in both countries. Details of WHO’s response priorities to support the populations affected are provided, together with the funding requirements to address the immediate and urgent health needs by area and overall. These needs continue to evolve based on ongoing damage assessments.
WHO’s response includes dispatch of life-saving medicines and other medical supplies; the activation of its Emergency Medical Teams Network to provide essential health services and supplies to care for those in need; liaison with disease surveillance and rapid response teams to ensure ongoing surveillance and detection of water-borne, infectious and respiratory diseases, as well as preparedness for any outbreak; and support for the mental health and psychosocial response.
The complete Flash Appeal is here: [who_flashappeal_earthquakeresponse.pdf](https://worldhealthorganization.cmail20.com/t/d-l-zdtdhkd-iitylyihjr-r/)
Donations in support of WHO’s work following this emergency can be made through the [WHO Foundation.](https://worldhealthorganization.cmail20.com/t/d-l-zdtdhkd-iitylyihjr-y/)
WHO’s work on the earthquake: [Earthquake in Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic (who.int)](https://worldhealthorganization.cmail20.com/t/d-l-zdtdhkd-iitylyihjr-j/)
Additional Resources:
[Syria Country Office](https://worldhealthorganization.cmail20.com/t/d-l-zdtdhkd-iitylyihjr-i/)
[Türkiye Country Office](https://worldhealthorganization.cmail20.com/t/d-l-zdtdhkd-iitylyihjr-d/)