(AGENPARL) – mar 06 dicembre 2022 First Installment of Property Taxes Due Dec. 12
The deadline for paying the first installment of your 2022-2023 Sacramento County property taxes is coming up very soon. Payments are due no later than Monday, December 12, 2022. Late payments will incur a 10 percent penalty for each tax bill, and partial payments are not accepted.
Payment may be mailed to P.O. Box 508, Sacramento, CA 95812-0508. Be sure to mail your payment early enough to ensure a timely postmark and avoid penalties.
Making Payments
To avoid penalties, transactions made either on the internet or over the telephone, must be completed before midnight on the payment pay by date. Please plan ahead and do not wait until the last minute to make your payment. If you are unable to get through on the internet or telephone, causing you to miss the payment deadline, penalties will NOT be waived.
Please verify your data entry very carefully when making online payments. If your payment is rejected by your financial institution FOR ANY REASON, you will be charged a $53.00 return payment fee as well as penalties if your payment is rejected after the due date.
If you use your bank’s Online Bill Pay service, a paper check will be printed and mailed to the Tax Collector. Because the check is sent without a payment stub, please enter the parcel number, current year’s bill number and installment being paid in the online account number field for payment identification. Be sure you are familiar with your bank’s online bill pay processing timelines. The Tax Collector uses the date appearing on the check from your bank’s Payment Processing Center as the payment date. Online bill pay checks dated after the due date will be returned for penalty without exception. Be aware that because bank online bill pay checks are delivered in large batches without stubs, they will need to be individually handled, and the posting of your payment may be delayed.
How to Obtain Information About Your Tax Bill
Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the property owner of their liability to pay taxes in a timely manner or give the Tax Collector reason to cancel penalties imposed for late payment.
Contact: ???SECURED TAX UNIT, 916-874-6622?
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