(AGENPARL) – mar 28 giugno 2022 From Dublin to Dusseldorf
The British Library
What’s on
[What’s on](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEO-1/c.aspx)
[Support us](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQET-1/c.aspx)
What are you doing this summer?
Why not spend it with us? We’ll be scrutinising the origins of fake news, finding out what electronic music sounds like played on steel drums, and retracing the work of theatre makers and revolutionaries as we continue to delve deeper into our archives.
[At the Library](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEU-1/c.aspx)
[At the Library and online](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEW-1/c.aspx)
[Book for The Age of Impunity: Hidden Frontlines in the War in Ukraine](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEX-1/c.aspx)
The Age of Impunity: Hidden Frontlines in the War in Ukraine
Tuesday 19 July, 12.30
Free | Online
This event brings together frontline journalists in a call for urgent new thinking on what binds us, from Manila to Silicon Valley and from London to Moscow.
[Book now](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEX-1/c.aspx)
[Book for From #FakeNews Towards a Compassionate Media](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEY-1/c.aspx)
From #FakeNews Towards a Compassionate Media
Monday 11 July, 19.00
At the Library
A strong and independent media is essential for tackling the existential problems of our age. Columnists, barristers and TikTok stars take to the stage to find ways to restore trust, well-being and maybe even some happiness into the news.
[Book now](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEY-1/c.aspx)
[Book for Creating the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEZ-1/c.aspx)
Creating the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland
Thursday 14 July, 19.00
Free | At the Library and online
When Dublin’s Four Courts campus was bombarded in 1922, seven centuries of Irish records went up in flames. After 100 years, we present the international collaboration working to reassemble the archive from copies and records scattered across the world.
[Book now](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JY4V-6TJVT-DZQEZ-1/c.aspx)