(AGENPARL) – LONDON mar 28 giugno 2022
Published 24 September 2013
Last updated 28 June 2022
+ show all updates
28 June 2022
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country, quarterly for Great Britain, updated for January to March 2022. Also bus annual tables BUS0401, 0402 and 0403 updated to the latest data.
30 March 2022
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country, quarterly for Great Britain, data table updated for October to December 2021.
14 December 2021
Data table on local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country updated for July to September 2021.
3 November 2021
Data tables updated for the annual bus statistics, year ending March 2021 report.
28 September 2021
Data tables on operating revenues for local bus services, passenger journeys and per vehicle mile and kilometre updated for April to June 2021.
16 June 2021
Data tables on operating revenues for local bus services, passenger journeys and per vehicle mile and kilometre updated.
24 March 2021
Data tables on local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country updated for the October to December 2020 report. Data tables on operating revenues for local bus services, passenger journeys and per vehicle mile and kilometre updated.
16 December 2020
Data tables on local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country updated for the July to September 2020 report.
28 October 2020
Data tables updated for annual bus statistics, year ending March 2020.
23 September 2020
Data tables on local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country updated for the April to June 2020 report.
17 June 2020
Data tables on local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country updated for the January to March 2020 report.
25 March 2020
Data table on local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country updated for the October to December 2019 report.
22 January 2020
Data table on local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country updated for the July to September 2019 report.
17 December 2019
Data tables updated for annual bus statistics, year ending March 2019 report.
24 September 2019
Tables updated for ‘Quarterly bus statistics: April to June 2019’.
20 June 2019
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country data tables updated for the January to March report.
13 March 2019
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country data table updated for the quarterly period, October to December 2018.
30 January 2019
Data tables updated for annual bus statistics, year ending March 2018.
11 December 2018
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country data table updated for the quarterly period, July to September 2018.
27 September 2018
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country data table updated for the quarterly period, April to June 2018.
12 June 2018
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country table updated for January to March 2018.
13 March 2018
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country table updated for October to December 2017.
19 December 2017
Table 0415 updated.
12 September 2017
Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country table updated for April to June 2017.
13 June 2017
Table 0405 and 0415 (quarterly data) updated to the latest data for January to March 2017.
14 March 2017
Table 0415 updated to the latest data for October to December 2016.
13 December 2016
Tables 0401, 0402, 0403 (annual data for bus operator revenue) and 0415 (quarterly data) updated.
18 October 2016
Tables 0406, 0407 and 0408 updated to the latest annual data.
13 September 2016
Table 0415 updated to the latest data for April to June 2016.
14 June 2016
Table 0405 and 0415 updated to the latest data for January to March 2016.
15 March 2016
Table 0415 updated to include the latest data for October to December 2015.
29 September 2015
Tables 0406 to 0408 and 0415 updated to the latest data.
16 June 2015
Tables 0405 and 0415 updated to the latest data for January to March 2015.
17 March 2015
Table 0415 updated to the latest data for October to December 2014.
16 December 2014
Table 0401 to 0403 and 0415 updated to include latest annual bus finance statistics.
23 September 2014
Tables 0406 to 0408 and 0415 updated to the latest data for financial year ending 2014.
17 June 2014
Tables BUS0405 and 0415 updated to show the latest annual and quarterly data.
24 September 2013
First published.
Fonte/Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/bus04-costs-fares-and-revenue