(AGENPARL) – gio 15 febbraio 2024 PRESS RELEASE
The aim is to launch and propagate new innovation processes that benefit the electricity
The five-year agreement will enable progress in areas regarding the development of
integration of renewables and technology enabling the energy transition
Rome, 15 February 2024 – Terna, Italian national transmission power grid operator, and RSE, a
leader in analysis and applied research in the energy sector, have signed a five-year partnership
agreement aimed at the development and application of processes and technology in the field of
energy and the environment, promoting study initiatives and development and innovation activity.
The agreement was signed on 14 February in Rome by Giuseppina Di Foggia, CEO and General
Manager of Terna, and Prof. Franco Cotana, CEO of RSE.
“We are proud to have reached this agreement with an Italian and European leader, committed to
research and development of efficient solutions for the energy sector”, stated Giuseppina Di Foggia,
CEO and General Manager of Terna. “The partnership we begin today will enable us to develop new
technology to better meet the growing demands and challenges posed by the energy transition, in
line with national and international decarbonisation goals”.
“The global energy transition demands greater usage of electricity in all sectors. Italy therefore needs
high-performance, networked smart electricity grids, capable of serving increasingly demanding
users. The agreement signed by RSE and Terna establishes an important partnership for the
development of AC and DC networks and for the transport of electricity throughout the country”,
commented Franco Cotana, CEO of RSE.
Thanks to this partnership, Terna and RSE will be able to cooperate, through planning,
programming and coordination activity, establishing a scenario that fosters the development
of research and technology and the propagation of projects for innovation, energy security
and grid resilience. This is of fundamental importance to Terna, in its capacity as enabler of
the energy transition, and for RSE, in its role as a promoter of innovation, efficiency and
circularity throughout the chain of energy supply and sustainability.
Specifically, the partnership involves a framework agreement aimed at launching mutual
collaboration in areas including optimised grid planning and design, methodologies for
smart-asset management, monitoring, control and resilience of the electricity system,
development of new technology for grid flexibility, scenarios for the evolution of demand and
generation from renewables, big-data management and data science, use of IoT (Internet
of things) technology, cyber security, artificial intelligence and other technology enabling the
Italian energy transition.
The progress of projects will be monitored by a Management Committee made up of Terna
and RSE representatives.
For further information:
Terna Media Relations
RSE – Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico Communication Office
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