(AGENPARL) – mar 02 maggio 2023 You are subscribed to Patron Services from the Library of Congress.
Learn how to use our digitized newspaper collection to conduct historical research, with a special focus on the American Civil War.
Join Henry Carter (Library of Congress) and Donald Summerlin (University of Georgia Libraries) to learn how to research military history in Chronicling America, a free digital collection of over 20 million pages from American newspapers published between 1770 and 1963.
The presenters will discuss the collection, the search interface, and how to navigate the challenges of working with historic newspapers. The presentation will specifically focus on researching the Atlanta Campaign of the American Civil War, but the search techniques can be applied to broader military history research. Chronicling America is jointly sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.
This presentation will be recorded.
May 10, 2023 06:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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