(AGENPARL) – MOSCOW mar 02 maggio 2023
The President signed the Federal Law On Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
The Federal
Law, taking into account the amendments made to the Constitution of the Russian
Federation in 2020 and the practice of implementing the state migration policy,
systematises approaches regulating the acquisition and termination of the citizenship
of the Russian Federation.
The Federal
Law aims to grant citizenship of the Russian Federation to persons who live in Russia and are able to integrate themselves organically into the system of positive social ties and become full members of Russian society.
In this regard,
citizenship of the Russian Federation may be granted to persons who speak the Russian language, know Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation,
undertake to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and do not
pose a threat to security, law and order.
The Federal
Law provides for a reduction in the number of requirements for more than 20
categories of persons to be granted citizenship of the Russian Federation and to be recognised as Russian citizens.
applies to persons who are compatriots – citizens of the former USSR, their
children, participants in the state programme to assist voluntary resettlement
in the Russian Federation for compatriots living abroad, as well as persons who
have close relatives residing in Russia who are citizens of the Russian
Federation and also to persons who have relatives in the direct ascending line
who were permanent residents of the territory that belonged to the Russian
Empire or the USSR (within the state border of the Russian Federation).
In accordance
with the Federal Law, other categories of persons who have the right to streamlined
acquisition of Russian citizenship may be designated by the President of the Russian Federation, whether for humanitarian or other purposes.
The President has the authority to grant Russian citizenship in exceptional cases,
covering to veterans of the Great Patriotic War who were citizens of the Soviet
Union, persons who have distinguished themselves by serving the Russian
Federation and persons who, because of their occupation or qualifications or for other reasons, are of interest to the Russian Federation.
As for the other categories of persons, the authority to make decisions on matters of citizenship of the Russian Federation will be vested in the Interior Ministry and the Foreign Ministry, which will reduce the processing period for matters
related to citizenship from one year to three months.
In addition, the Federal Law establishes the institution of terminating Russian citizenship.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/acts/news/71021