(AGENPARL) – PARIS ven 21 aprile 2023
Entità : A proposito di Amundi
Primo asset manager europeo fra i primi 10 operatori a livello mondiale [1], Amundi propone ai suoi 100 milioni di clienti – privati, istituzionali e corporate – una gamma completa di soluzioni di risparmio e di investimento in gestione attiva e passiva, in asset tradizionali o reali.
Grazie alle sei piattaforme di gestione internazionali [2], alle capacità di ricerca finanziaria ed extra-finanziaria ed all’impegno di lunga data nell’investimento responsabile, Amundi è un nome di riferimento nel settore dell’asset management.
I clienti di Amundi possono contare sulle competenze e sulla consulenza di 5.300 professionisti in 35 paesi. Controllata del gruppo Crédit Agricole, Amundi è quotata in Borsa e gestisce oggi AUM per oltre 2.000 miliardi di euro [3].
Amundi, un partner di fiducia che lavora ogni giorno nell’interesse dei suoi clienti e della società
[1] Fonte: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” pubblicato a giugno 2022, sulla base delle masse in gestione al 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublino, Londra, Milano, Parigi e Tokyo
[3] Dati Amundi, compreso Lyxor, al 31/03/2022
Funzione aziendale : Tipo di Funzione Crédit Agricole S.A./Asset Management
Contratto : Tempo determinato
Descrizione dell’incarico :
Who we are looking for
We are looking for a highly motivated individual to join a dynamic and growing company.
Why this role is important to us
The Trade Management Team support Investments with the trading process and act as an intermediary between the Trading desks and the Back office functions. The team monitor and oversee the Trade Matching and Settlement process for all Equity transactions including Convertible Bonds and ETF. This is a key role in the organisation to ensure the investment decisions are accurately and timely reflected in the NAV of our funds.
What you will be responsible for
Liaise with brokers directly to ensure any trade related issues are resolved.
Liaise with the traders and escalate issues with brokers as required.
Monitor the settlement status of all trades investigating any highlighted issues with brokers or custodians directly.
Ensure any new funds are correctly setup within the trading system and any fund changes are correctly reflected both internally and on external platforms.
Setup any new approved brokers in the Trading System.
Work with Compliance, Risk, Client Services and any other internal support teams to resolve queries or issues related to the Trade flow.
Build and maintain relationships with all third parties involved with the trading and settlement process including Custodians, Fund accountants and brokers.
Participate and contribute with any broker or third parties reviews to ensure any problems are discussed and resolved.
Investigate and resolve any interest claims which have arisen as a result of problems with the trade flow.
Participate in core projects both locally and globally as required.
N.B. There is a requirement for team coverage until 21.45 each evening. This requirement is shared amongst team members on a rotational basis (average requirement once per week).
Sede di lavoro : Dublin
Livello minimo richiesto d’istruzione : Laurea triennale (3 anni)
Fonte/Source: https://jobs.amundi.com/Pages/Offre/detailoffre.aspx?idOffre=78913&idOrigine=170287&LCID=1040&offerReference=2023-78913