(AGENPARL) – gio 06 aprile 2023 [https://files.constantcontact.com/b6dbc81b001/d41902a7-fc68-4eda-9f64-e867312eade3.jpg?rdr=true](https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cFauNohghRe7Xd1QWygeuU6sj_oeovS3SzGs5jBoZps-fCJBGaQ4Tu20NH290SQV5zspAm2uiVw30HLZvrTAOftsrP7995XgROHk3JXRXu7nVHzf_QyWHZqbd9U6fTI3ABg5seqGa8YHoTr9K7q-DxPRrfWYIEbB&c=hhOZLuopNEPoZxKwxXm43pQzu6MrS-cqizZGCGy7a47mT5bS9DNElA==&ch=SVcgzleLc8z1TD0ZwHzo_PvFzSSwJcPN6v8_KdTaQAcvMcMHZGtNWA==)
April 3, 2023
South Street Seaport Museum
Announces Monthly Event at Bowne & Co.
Print Your Own Stationery
Starting April 29, 2023
South Street Seaport Museum announces a brand-new experience, Print Your Own Stationery at Bowne & Co., 211 Water Street, New York, 10038, on Saturday, April 29, 2023 at noon. Established in 1775, the Bowne & Co. letterpress print shop is a piece of New York City history, and now you can join our printers in celebrating this rich legacy in hands-on workshops! Tickets are $100. To register, visit [seaportmuseum.org/stationery-workshop/](https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cFauNohghRe7Xd1QWygeuU6sj_oeovS3SzGs5jBoZps-fCJBGaQ4ThZeYO089xBXpbDWF_n51XvAi2jYQWMskQ0Iah8-YxTgXWq0Mr3wJrCnmAYVjSMo5NFm3ie7ZQq1op4eI-5xwbDQfJHEN13Q1Ogq5M4MBxqp__iyZH39SYZhArOOqIciP1pEKlAxZHCk&c=hhOZLuopNEPoZxKwxXm43pQzu6MrS-cqizZGCGy7a47mT5bS9DNElA==&ch=SVcgzleLc8z1TD0ZwHzo_PvFzSSwJcPN6v8_KdTaQAcvMcMHZGtNWA==). This series will be held on the last Saturday of every month.
Sign up today for an immersive program where you can work together with Bowne’s designers to produce your own custom set of stationery—from start to finish. In this three-hour workshop, you get to set type from the Museum’s collection of historic fonts, mix ink, cut paper, and print a bespoke edition of 35 notecards using a 19th century printing press. Great for all skill levels, the workshop will engage you in every part of the printing process—we even teach you how to clean the press at the end!
Advanced registration is required. Anyone ages 12 and up is welcome, and all supplies are included in the cost of the workshop. All participants get to take home their set of custom-made stationery valued at $250.
About the South Street Seaport Museum