(AGENPARL) – mer 05 aprile 2023 Update from GOV.?UK for: News and communications Boost for Welsh businesses as UK strikes deal to join major free trade bloc in Indo-Pacific Page summary: The bloc is home to over 500 million people and will have a total GDP of £11 trillion once the UK joi…
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Update from GOV.?UK for:
News and communications
[Boost for Welsh businesses as UK strikes deal to join major free trade bloc in Indo-Pacific](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/boost-for-welsh-businesses-as-uk-strikes-deal-to-join-major-free-trade-bloc-in-indo-pacific?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications-topic&utm_source=4b1615f0-8566-416b-af1a-a5370d988930&utm_content=immediately)
Page summary:
The bloc is home to over 500 million people and will have a total GDP of £11 trillion once the UK joins
Change made:
Added translation
Time updated:
10:28am, 5 April 2023
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