(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN mer 29 marzo 2023
Vladimir Putin had a working
meeting via videoconference with Vitaly Khotsenko. By a Presidential Executive
Order Vitaly Khotsenko, who previously held the post of Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, was appointed Acting Governor of the Omsk Region.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Khotsenko, good afternoon.
Vitaly Khotsenko: Good afternoon, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Mr Khotsenko, I would like to begin
our meeting by talking about your current work. And I would like to ask you a completely, I believe, understandable and natural question: what do you make of the current economic situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic?
Vitaly Khotsenko: Mr President,
Firstly, I have been working in the Donetsk People’s Republic for ten months now. I agreed the moment I received the offer, because this is my home; I was born not far from there, in Dnepropetrovsk,
where my grandparents are buried.
Speaking of the economy, much is
being done, including in cooperation with the Presidential Executive Office and the Russian Government. Many facilities are being restored by the regions assisting
us, not only in Mariupol, where you recently visited, but in all cities,
despite the shelling and ongoing hostilities. My thanks to the regions providing
assistance: everyone is helping.
We are also paying compensation.
We have formed a management team in the region together with the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic and federal
executive authorities, a team with people from all over Russia as well as locals.
So much has been done, and much more
remains to be done.
In line with your instructions, we
have developed a socioeconomic development programme for the Donetsk People’s
Republic until 2030. We hope it will be adopted in the very near future.
To be continued.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/70802