(AGENPARL) – ven 17 febbraio 2023 Upcoming Public Workshops on a Long-Term Strategy to Electrify Existing Buildings
The City of Sacramento is developing a pathway to transition existing buildings to carbon-free electricity by 2045. Electrification of existing buildings is a crucial step in the City’s work to achieve its climate goals. 100% of single-family homes in Sacramento are projected to see immediate utility bill savings when switching to all electric space and water heating. The City has launched [XeroHome](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f89b), a new online tool to help residents identify cost-friendly energy-efficiency upgrades and to learn about funding programs. [Learn more about the tool](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f89c) and check out XeroHome today.
Please join us for two upcoming virtual workshops on our Existing Building Electrification Strategy.
Learn more about [existing building electrification](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f89d), the City’s strategy development, and provide your input on core policies and supporting actions.
Residential Building Electrification: 3/1/2023, 6-7pm Register [HERE](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f89e)
Commercial Building Electrification: 3/8/2023, 12-1pm Register [HERE](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f89f)
https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f8a0 https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f8a1 https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f8a2 https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h4d4368c,424f03d,424f8a3