(AGENPARL) – gio 09 febbraio 2023 Bureau de presse
Ufficio stampa
Aosta, giovedì 9 febbraio 2023
Saison culturelle spectacle 2022/2023
Concerto di “Max the Sax”
Max The Sax, sassofono
Florian Kasper, batteria
Fabian Jungreithmayr, chitarra
Marco Palewicz Ableton Live, tastiere
Tobias Woeher, basso
Sarah De Blu, voce
L’Assessorato dei Beni culturali, Turismo, Sport e Commercio propone sabato 18 febbraio 2023, alle ore 20.30, al Teatro Splendor di Aosta, il concerto di “Max the Sax”, nell’ambito della Saison Culturelle Spectacle 2022/2023
Diventato famoso come sassofonista former della Parov Stelar Band, tutti gli italiani ricordano il pezzo che ha portato questa band nelle loro case, la hit mondiale All Night è stata ripresa dalla Tim per il suo spot che nel 2017 ha fatto ballare l’Italia. Markus Ecklmayr è nato per salire sul palco e affrontare folle di tutto il mondo suonando generosamente il suo sassofono dorato. Ha iniziato a praticare all’età di 11 anni e ha studiato all’Anton Università Bruckner di Linz. È una persona piena di energia e amore per quello che fa, contagia il pubblico con improvvisazioni uniche e spettacoli esplosivi che trasportano la sua autenticità e la sua genuina passione ben oltre il palco seguito da centinaia di migliaia di fans e followers. Il suo stile espressivo e contagioso non smette mai di stupire, far sorridere e ballare. “Sul palco, voglio portare i miei pensieri e i miei sentimenti. Quello che la gente vede sul palco è ciò che sono. Porto ogni performance al massimo, perché il mio obiettivo è suonare con il cuore”.
Max the Sax incarna nella sua musica e nei suoi spettacoli un mix di tecnica, professionalità ed energia, garantisce un’esperienza esplosiva, portando l’ascoltatore in un viaggio musicale che mescola ritmi dance elettrici con linee funky jazz. L’esperienza accumulata su grandi palchi, interagendo con migliaia di persone, si è trasformata in una grande sensibilità verso il pubblico. Le sue performance sono sempre diverse: si lascia ispirare dall’umore e dall’energia del pubblico, trasforma questa atmosfera in improvvisazioni e la riporta nel cuore delle persone attraverso un gioco magistrale e un’interazione contagiosa. Un’abilità che è diventata il marchio di fabbrica di Max the Sax.
Sul palco del Teatro Splendor si presenta con la sua band, musicisti talentuosi e pieni di energia, entusiasmo e passione con i quali è stato invitato a suonare sui migliori palcoscenici del mondo, come quello in Georgia davanti a 40.000 persone. Ha suonato in: Austria, Germania, Svizzera, USA, Messico, Russia, Grecia, Cipro, Georgia, Turchia, Ungheria, Belgio, Francia, Bulgaria, Repubblica Ceca, Polonia, Inghilterra, Ucraina, India, Estonia e Cina.
I biglietti sono in vendita on line sul sito WEBTIC.IT e al punto vendita della Saison culturelle.
Lo spettacolo è incluso nell’abbonamento MIX ROSSO.
Biglietti: Platea Intero € 20,00/Ridotto € 15,00 – Galleria Intero € 15,00/Ridotto € 10,00
Punto vendita
Dal lunedì al sabato, dalle ore 13.30 alle ore 18.30
La Saison Culturelle 2022/2023 è realizzata dall’Assessorato Beni culturali, Turismo, Sport e Commercio della Regione autonoma Valle d’Aosta col patrocinio della Fondazione CRT Cassa di Risparmio di Torino
Testo Allegato:
PRESS RELEASE2023-051-ENLuxembourg/Pristina, 9 February 2023Team Europe: EIB Global support for railway network modernisation in Kosovo* reaches €80 millionThe EU Bank is providing €38 million for the modernisation of rail route 10 through its EIB Global branch.An improved railway network in Kosovo will increase passenger and freight capacity, reduce travel times and boost regional cooperation, in line with the EU connectivity agenda.To date, the EIB has invested over €1.2 billion in the Western Balkans rail sector, supporting regional cooperation and connectivity.EIB Global, the branch of the European Investment Bank (EIB) devoted to activities outside the European Union, has signed a €38 million agreement for the rehabilitation of 148 km of railway on rail route 10 in Kosovo. The renewal of track and the railway stations on Kosovo’s international rail network will help increase travel speed and improve passenger and freight capacity. These improvements will lead to a modal shift from road to rail and contribute to more environmentally sustainable mobility in the region. As part of the Western Balkans core railway network and an extension of the TEN-T, the Kosovo rail route 10 project will improve regional connectivity and integration on the Orient/East-Mediterranean Corridor. The EIB loan comes in addition to investment and technical assistance grants channelled through the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF), together with a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. This is the second EIB loan tranche for this railway project, reaching the total amount of €80 million for the modernisation of Kosovo’s railways. EIB Vice-President Lilyana Pavlova, who is responsible for the Bank’s activities in the Western Balkans, said: “We see this investment as proof of our commitment to promoting regional integration and connectivity within the region and the European Union. The creation of modern, sustainable and efficient transport infrastructure is a prerequisite for stronger economic relations and better living conditions. The project is in line with EU Economic and Investment Plan and Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, which aims to double rail freight by 2050. That is why it is important for us, as the EU climate bank, to help the region meet its climate and economic targets by reviving this green mode of transport, to make it more attractive for passengers and trade routes.”Kosovo Minister of Finance, Labour and Transfers Hekuran Murati said: “Rail route 10 is one of the most important railway lines connecting Kosovo to other countries and its rehabilitation remains a long-standing priority. The agreement that we are signing formally today is of great importance to ensuring that we are connected with our trading partners and guaranteeing mobility between our country and the region. Our government considers the EIB to be a key partner for strategic development and European integration, which is reflected on our joint investments in the rail sector, in addition to the numerous ongoing projects in the social, environment and health sectors.”EU Ambassador in Kosovo Tomáš Szunyog stated: “The rehabilitation and upgrade of regional rail route 10 in Kosovo, which is part of the Trans-European Transport Network that connects Kosovo with the region and the rest of Europe, is particularly important. It contributes to Kosovo’s transport connectivity and will contribute to economic growth and job creation. It will also help integrate Kosovo into a single regional and EU market.”In the last ten years, the EIB has supported the global rail sector by providing more than €39 billion of investments, helping to construct or upgrade almost 2 000 km of tracks and 304 stations. In the Western Balkans, EIB Global is a lead financier of strategic railway routes and provides technical and advisory support for the preparation, planning and implementation of projects for the modernisation or upgrading of the rail network. To date, the EIB has invested over €1.2 billion in the rail sector across the Western Balkans, supporting regional cooperation and connectivity.Background information:About the EIB:The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States. It makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute towards EU policy goals. About EIB Global:EIB Global is the EIB Group’s new specialised arm dedicated to increasing the impact of international partnerships and development finance. EIB Global is designed to foster strong, focused partnerships within Team Europe, alongside fellow development finance institutions and civil society. EIB Global brings the Group closer to local people, companies and institutions through our offices across the world. About EIB Global in the Western Balkans:The EIB is a leading international financier in the Western Balkans. Since 2009, the Bank has financed projects worth close to €10.3 billion in the region. Besides continuing its support for the reconstruction and upgrading of public infrastructure, the EIB has since 2010 expanded into many new areas, such as healthcare, research and development, education, and small and medium enterprises. For detailed information on EIB activities in the Western Balkans, please visit: http://www.eib.org/en/publications/the-eib-in-the-western-balkans. For more information regarding the EIB’s projects in Kosovo, please see: https://www.eib.org/en/projects/regions/enlargement/the-western-balkans/kosovo/index.htmPress contacts:Gordana Kovačević, g.kovacevic@eib.org, tel.: +352 4379 70356Website: http://www.eib.org/press – Press Office: +352 4379 21000 – press@eib.org