(AGENPARL) – mer 29 giugno 2022 From cartography to cartoons
The British Library
Study wherever you are
[What’s on](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-K4LB-6TJVT-DUYF8-1/c.aspx)
[Support us](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-K4LB-6TJVT-DUYFD-1/c.aspx)
Exploring the art of writing
Our latest courses are now available for you to book. whether you want to explore scrolls, storytelling or stitching, discover your latest skill, or hone an existing one.
[Courses at the Library](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-K4LB-6TJVT-DUYFE-1/c.aspx)
[Courses online](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-K4LB-6TJVT-DUYFF-1/c.aspx)
[See all our courses](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-K4LB-6TJVT-DUYFG-1/c.aspx)
Navigating your narrative
[Find out more about Writing Stories with Maps](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-K4LB-6TJVT-DZPM5-1/c.aspx)
Writing Stories with Maps
Making use of digitised maps from our collection, this two-week course will unlock the power of maps as you explore the ways in which they can tell stories and learn about the ones that they leave out. You’ll also have the chance to try out exercises to experiment with map-inspired storytelling.
[Find out more](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-K4LB-6TJVT-DZPM5-1/c.aspx)
[Find out more about Autofiction](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-K4LB-6TJVT-DZPM6-1/c.aspx)
Autofiction as Life Writing
Want to get to grips with the art of autofiction? This course will explore the emergence of this form of life writing, which is said to be more adventurous than memoir and less restrained than autobiographical fiction.