(AGENPARL) – gio 16 giugno 2022 And the mystery of Anne Boleyn’s girdle book
The British Library
For gold leaf, gilt and the Golden Gospels
[What’s on](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JUTJ-6TJVT-DNJZN-1/c.aspx)
[Book for Gold](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JUTJ-6TJVT-DNLQ4-1/c.aspx)
“…a little gold goes a delightfully long way”
????? The Daily Telegraph
Gold, now open until 2 October 2022
Members go free
Gold encases jewels, illuminates words, and elevates art. Gold ignites feelings of awe and wonder.
Yet what does it tell us about the cultures that treasure it?
Whether inscribed on sacred scrolls, detailing scriptures of Buddhism, or forged into fashionable prayer book casing, this precious metal intensifies their importance. Picturing figures in gold sends a message of political strength. Or tells us of an inner holiness.
Each manuscript, book and golden page in our ????? exhibition has a unique story to tell.
[Book now](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JUTJ-6TJVT-DNLQ4-1/c.aspx)
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[Visit Bullot Vault website](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JUTJ-6TJVT-DNQD6-1/c.aspx)
[Learn more about this girdle book](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JUTJ-6TJVT-DPX8B-1/c.aspx)
Did it really belong to Anne Boleyn?
A miniature book in Gold carries a rather large legend. Once believed to belong to Anne Boleyn, our curators lead an investigation into the origins of a 16th-century girdle book.
[Read more](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-JUTJ-6TJVT-DPX8B-1/c.aspx)
Members go free
Bask in the golden glow of our galleries again and again with a British Library Membership. Visit as many times as you want for free, and bring a friend at no extra cost. Plus buy a membership at the Library on the day of your visit and get the price of your ticket refunded.