(AGENPARL) – mer 11 maggio 2022 And Gold opens this month
The British Library
For gold, myths and flying chariots
[What’s on](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-IUMJ-6TJVT-D1PH3-1/c.aspx)
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[Book for Alexander the Great](https://britishlibraryemails.bl.uk/5JXV-IUMJ-6TJVT-D1PH9-1/c.aspx)
Alexander the Great: The Making of a Myth
Opens this October
Members go free
Piece together the epic story of Alexander the Great in our major exhibition this October.
Prophet, pharaoh, philosopher. Alexander built an empire that stretched across continents. Rode across the sky in a flying chariot. And descended to the bottom of the sea in a glass bell.
Or did he?
Alexander’s life has been vividly told in medieval tales and scribed onto ancient papyri. Journey through every chapter of his mystifying story alongside the moviemakers and comic book artists still searching for the man behind the myth.
Grapple with a gaggle of griffins. Behold the perils of Babylon. Launch into the legend. All when you visit us this autumn.
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