(AGENPARL) – LONDON mar 21 giugno 2022

Book and plan your visit to Moorland prison
Now that regular COVID testing of people in the wider community has ended, you are no longer required to take a COVID test before coming to see someone for a visit, although we would still encourage you to do so.
We will continue to run social visits whilst it is safe to do so.
Visiting rules may change if there is an outbreak within the prison, this may include bringing back testing before visits for a short time to protect you, the person you are visiting and staff.
If you are unable to visit someone in prison you can still keep in touch.
You can also contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003. You will not be able to book a visit using this number.
To visit someone in Moorland you must:
- be on that person’s visitor list
- book your visit in advance
- have the required ID with you when you go
A visit can only be booked 28 days in advance. Moorland is currently only taking bookings for 1 visit per month, however if you would like a second visit for the month, please email 7 days prior to your desired date and this can be looked into based on availability.
Contact Moorland if you have any questions about visiting.
How to book family and friends visits
Moorland is running a limited visits schedule. Visits are also happening differently than normal, observing strict guidelines, which must be followed.
You can book your visit online.
Visits can be booked via email at: <a This mailbox is monitored from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday but please allow up to 3 working days for a response.
Visiting times:
- Tuesday: 2pm to 3:30pm
- Thursday: 2pm to 3:30pm
- Saturday: 2pm to 3:30pm
- Sunday: 2pm to 3:30pm
How to book legal and professional visits
To book legal visits please email: <a
Visiting times:
- Tuesday: 2pm to 4pm
- Wednesday: 2pm to 4pm
- Thursday: 2pm – 4pm
Getting to Moorland
The closest railway stations is Doncaster and you can get a taxi from there.
To plan your journey by public transport:
There is a visitor car park available on Vulcan Way.
Entering Moorland
All visitors, aged 16 or older must prove their identity before entering the prison. Read the list of acceptable forms of ID when visiting a prison.
All visitors will need to be given a pat-down search, including children. On your first visit, you will have your photo taken. You may have your fingerprints taken and an eye scan. You may also be sniffed by security dogs.
Keep in touch with someone at Moorland
There are several ways you can keep in touch with a prisoner during their time at Moorland.
Secure video calls
Secure video calling is available at this prison. Family and friends will need to download the Prison Video app, create an account, register all visitors and add the prisoner to their contact list.
Phone calls
Prisoners have phones in their rooms so they will be able to call you. They have to buy phone credits to do this.
They can phone anyone named on their list of friends and family. This list is checked by security when they first arrive so it may take a few days before they are able to call.
They can call at these times:
- Mondays to Fridays: 6.30am to 8am, 9am to 1.30pm, 4pm to 11.30pm
- Weekends: 6.30am to 11.30pm
You can also exchange voicemails using the Prison Voicemail service.
Officers may listen to phone calls as a way of preventing crime and helping keep people safe.
You can send emails to someone in Moorland using the Email a Prisoner service.
You might also be able to attach photos and receive replies from the prisoner.
You can write at any time.
Include the person’s name and prisoner number on the envelope.
If you do not know their prisoner number, contact Moorland.
All post, apart from legal letters, will be opened and checked by officers.
Send money and gifts
You can use the free and fast online service to send money to someone in prison.
You can no longer send money by bank transfer, cheque, postal order or send cash by post.
If you cannot use the online service, you may be able to apply for an exemption – for example if you:
- are unable to use a computer, a smart phone or the internet
- do not have a debit card
This will allow you to send money by post.
Gifts and parcels
People in Moorland are given a list of approved items that can be sent to them as gifts. Prisoners need to apply for permission to have items sent in.
Contact Moorland for more information on what’s allowed.
Family and friends of prisoners are permitted to send books directly to their loved ones, or can order books from approved retailers, which can source and send the books on to prisoners.
For the full list of approved retailers, you can read the HMPPS Incentives Policy, Annex F.
Make sure to include the person’s name and prisoner number on the parcel.
All parcels will be opened and checked by officers.
Life at Moorland
Moorland is committed to providing a safe and educational environment where men can learn new skills to help them on release.
Security and safeguarding
Every person at Moorland has a right to feel safe. The staff are responsible for their safeguarding and welfare at all times.
For further information about what to do when you are worried or concerned about someone in prison visit the Prisoners’ Families helpline website.
All safeguarding processes are overseen by the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board.
There is also a ‘Listener’ scheme for those prisoners who may be at risk from suicide or self-harm.
Arrival and first night
When a prisoner first arrives at Moorland, they will be able to contact a family member by phone. This could be quite late in the evening, depending on the time they arrive.
They will get to speak to someone who will check how they’re feeling and ask about any immediate health and wellbeing needs.
Each person who arrives at Moorland gets an induction that lasts about a week. They will meet professionals who will help them with:
- health and wellbeing, including mental and sexual health
- any substance misuse issues, including drugs and alcohol
- personal development in custody and on release, including skills, education and training
- other support (sometimes called ‘interventions’), such as managing difficult emotions
Everyone also finds out about the rules, fire safety, and how things like calls and visits work.
Moorland houses about 1000 men in 7 units, mostly in single rooms.
It has a modern gym, including 2 weight and cardiovascular gyms, a remedial gym area, sports hall and external football field. Full-time courses lead to vocational qualifications in personal training, cycling, healthy living and first aid.
Education and work
Moorland provides 3 offending behaviour programmes (‘interventions’) which focus on thinking skills, anger management and recovery from substance abuse. There is peer group support around these.
It also runs 2 non-accredited programmes which help offenders to talk about their offending behaviour and look at what it is to be a man.
Workshops and work experience are available in farms and gardens, furniture and TV repair, industrial cleaning, kitchens, lighting, painting and decorating, tailoring, joinering, recycling and Braille.
The education department encourages men to get vocational qualifications in basic English and maths, computing, bricklaying, art, hospitality, catering and horticulture to prepare them for release.
There are other courses available about drugs, alcohol, rights and responsibilities, society and family relationships.
Temporary release
Release on temporary licence (ROTL) is based on an individual risk assessment.
Support for family and friends
Find out about advice and helplines for family and friends.
Support at Moorland
The Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT) is the family services provider for Moorland.
Two full time family support workers help men in the prison.
The family support workers strengthen relationships with families and children in a number of ways.
Problems and complaints
If you have a problem contact Moorland.
HM Prison and Probation Service publishes action plans for Moorland in response to independent inspections.
Governor: Jennifer Willis
Telephone: 01302 523 000
Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
Fax: 01302 523 001
Find out about call charges
HMP/YOI Moorland
Bawtry Road
Hatfield Woodhouse
South Yorkshire
Safer custody hotline
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in Moorland, call the safer custody hotline.
Telephone: 0800 496 1364
Find out about call charges
Leave your name, the reason for your call and the name of your loved one and their prisoner number. You will be called back in 24 hours.
An emergency number will always be given.
Fonte/Source: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/moorland-prison