(AGENPARL) – mer 14 giugno 2023 Issued: Jun 14, 2023 (11:41am EDT)
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Consumers and Businesses Look to WaterSense and Save 7.5 Trillion Gallons of
WASHINGTON (June 14, 2023)— The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
released its 2022 WaterSense Accomplishments Report today, noting that
consumers using WaterSense labeled products saved more than 1.1 trillion
gallons of water in 2022. Since, EPA’s WaterSense program was launched in
2006, consumers and businesses have saved more than 7.5 trillion gallons of
water by purchasing water-saving plumbing fixtures and irrigation products.
WaterSense partners and works with more than 2,000 utilities, communities,
manufacturers, home builders, retailers, and other organizations to produce
and promote toilets, faucets, showerheads, spray sprinkler bodies, irrigation
controllers and homes that are independently certified to use less water and
perform well. Americans can look to the WaterSense label to save water,
energy, and money.
“It’s encouraging to see consumers using WaterSense labeled products in
their homes and businesses to conserve water and build upon our water
efficiency efforts,” said Andrew Sawyers, Director of EPA’s Office of
Wastewater Management. “What’s more, Americans saved significant utility
costs and energy associated with these products.”
Since 2006, WaterSense labeled faucets, faucet accessories, and showerheads
have helped American homes save 880 billion kilowatt hours of electricity –
enough energy to supply a year’s worth of power to nearly 83 million homes
– and eliminated 377 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions – the
equivalent of planting 5.6 billion trees. The energy and water savings
associated with WaterSense labeled products has also saved consumers $171
billion in water and energy bills over the past 16 years.
Consumers who are thinking about upgrading their bathrooms or irrigation
systems can search for certified WaterSense labeled products and save. Learn
more at EPA’s WaterSense webpage.
WaterSense, a voluntary partnership program sponsored by EPA, is both a label
for water-efficient products and a resource for helping consumers save water.
WaterSense seeks to protect the future of the nation’s water supply by
offering Americans a simple guide to use less water with water-efficient
products, homes, and services.
WaterSense labeled products are independently certified to use 20% less water
and perform as well or better than standard models. The program was launched
in 2006, and today there are more than 42,000 labeled toilets, faucets, faucet
accessories, showerheads, irrigation controllers, and spray sprinkler bodies,
as well as more than 7,000 labeled homes.
Learn more about the 2022 WaterSense Accomplishments report and recognize
our 2022 WaterSense Partners of the Year.
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