(AGENPARL) – mar 14 marzo 2023 [header.png]
Media invitation: Information session from ESA’s 315th Council
ESA Press Release for Immediate Release
– The ESA Council will hold its 315th session on 22 and 23 March 2023 in the freshly renovated ESA HQ Nikis building in Paris. After a successful Council Meeting at Ministerial Level in 2022 (CM22), further transformation measures and ambitious, new ideas for space exploration will be shared with the media.
On this occasion, the following topics will be shortly presented and discussed with journalists: the implementation steps of the results of CM22, including the transformation of ESA to be fit for the future, the Space Summit planned for November 2023, as well as the public release of certain official ESA documents. Moreover, the final report and recommendations of the “HLAG”, the High Level Advisory Group for Exploration, will be presented and discussed. Further ESA Programme progress reports will be given e. g. on: Earth Observation, Space Safety/Operations, Space Transportation, Planetary Sciences, etc.
ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher and ESA Council Chair Anna Rathsman (Sweden) will share the outcome of this ESA Council meeting and of the HLAG report with media in ESA HQ / Nikis, or online via WebEx, on Thursday, 23 March 2023, 13:30 -14:30 CET.
Doors open at 13:00 CET at ESA HQ Nikis – 8-10, rue Mario Nikis, 75015 Paris, France
As the “High Level Advisory Group” (HLAG) for Human and Robotic Exploration has been working as an independent advisory body, its final report and concrete recommendations will be presented by HLAG members Stefania Giannini, former Minister of Education, University and Research in Italy – tbc – as well as by Cedric O, former Secretary of State for the Digital Sector and former presidential advisor in France. As representative from ESA Member States, Council Chair Anna Rathsman (SWE), is also HLAG member.
Media registration
Media representatives are invited to register by Monday, 20 March 2023, 12 CET the latest for on-site presence in ESA HQ Nikis in Paris – or to receive access codes for the WebEx online session:
Please note that the final HLAG report will be emailed to accredited media, under EMBARGO, in the days before the ESA Council meeting.
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About the European Space Agency
The European Space Agency (ESA) provides Europe’s gateway to space.
ESA is an intergovernmental organisation, created in 1975, with the mission to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space delivers benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world
ESA has 22 Member States: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia are Associate Members.
ESA has established formal cooperation with four Member States of the EU. Canada takes part in some ESA programmes under a Cooperation Agreement.
By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, ESA can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. It is working in particular with the EU on implementing the Galileo and Copernicus programmes as well as with Eumetsat for the development of meteorological missions.
ESA – European Space Agency (HQ), 24, rue du Général Bertrand, 75007, Paris | France