(AGENPARL) – mer 08 febbraio 2023 COMUNICATO STAMPA
“‘L’unica giornata del ricordo è il 25 aprile’. Questa frase comparsa nella notte a Genova a deturpare la targa in ricordo delle vittime delle Foibe, è solo l’ultimo dei tanti atti vandalici che tendono a sminuire una delle pagine più buie d’Italia e d’Europa. La Camera dei deputati quest’anno, in occasione della ricorrenza della Giornata del Ricordo delle Foibe e dell’esodo giuliano – dalmata del 10 febbraio, ha invitato oggi le scolaresche per la proiezione del docu-film “Ricordare, portare al cuore”. Una iniziativa lodevole per togliere dall’oblio questo drammatico pezzo di storia e riconsegnarlo alle nuove generazioni. Un incontro importante a cui ho preso parte per onorare la forza e la tenacia degli esuli”.
Così, in una nota, il capogruppo di Fratelli d’Italia alla Camera, Tommaso Foti.
Roma, 08 febbraio 2023
Alessandra Angeletti
Testo Allegato:
PRESS RELEASE2023-045-ENMumbai, 8 February 2023European Investment Bank backs green hydrogen deployment in India and joins India Hydrogen Alliance EIB, India Hydrogen Alliance to bring industry, investors and government agencies together on green hydrogen hubs and projectsIndicative funding of EUR 1 billion for large-scale projects in public sectorEIB working with the Indian government on a credit facility to provide critical public sector investments supporting the development of the green hydrogen industryIn Mumbai Kris Peeters, Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), the bank of the European Union, formally agreed today to join the India Hydrogen Alliance (IH2A) and increase support for large-scale green hydrogen hubs and projects across India with an indicative funding of EUR 1 billion, subject to Indian Government and EIB approvals. Kris Peeters, Vice President of the European Investment Bank, said, “The European Investment Bank recognises the huge potential of developing and reducing the cost of green hydrogen in India. Together with industry, national government and state authorities we are exploring how the EU Bank might play a role in supporting India’s National Hydrogen mission, in order to enable the use of green hydrogen to decarbonise energy, industry and transport. The strengthened cooperation through the India Hydrogen Alliance will contribute to implement a national green hydrogen roadmap that delivers India’s energy transition and net-zero carbon plans alongside strengthening energy security in the years ahead. Joining IH2A builds on the EIB’s global climate engagement and our support for climate action in India over the last three decades.”Jillian Evanko, President and CEO, Chart Industries and Founding Member, IH2A, said, “We are delighted to partner with EIB to bring much needed funding to help develop the green hydrogen economy in India. Funding for large-scale green hydrogen projects is nascent and EIB’s participation will help solve a key eco-system problem. We look forward to work closely with EIB, investors, industry and the government to help realize hydrogen commercialisation at scale, in the next half decade. This is an essential part of getting the first few steps of the hydrogen transition right, before we look at 2030 scenarios.”H.E. Ugo Astuto, EU Ambassador to India said: “In September the First EU-India Green Hydrogen Forum was held in Delhi during the visit of Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson, strengthening EU-India clean energy cooperation. The European Investment Bank joining the India Hydrogen Alliance today further highlights a Team Europe approach for a green and resilient future, underpinning the EU Global Gateway strategy.”The European Investment Bank is the world’s largest international public bank and leading financier of renewable energy and climate action around the world. As a long-standing partner for renewable energy in India, and largest climate financier in the world, the new memorandum of understanding with IH2A will enable the EIB to further support clean energy investment and back development of green hydrogen in India.IH2A is focusing on attracting global climate finance, for development of large-scale hydrogen hub development in India, working with Government of India, state governments, global hydrogen players and Indian companies. This memorandum of understanding follows the Government of India’s confirmation of USD 2 billion public finance allocation for the National Green Hydrogen Mission and will support IH2A in bringing together global climate finance players and funding agencies, to work with industry players and government agencies to plan and execute large-scale green hydrogen projects and develop the green hydrogen economy in India.The EIB is currently exploring a credit facility with the Indian government to provide investments to critical public sectors supporting the development of the green hydrogen industry. This facility would support the Indian government’s efforts to commercialise upcoming green hydrogen technologies and accelerate the cost reduction by investing continuously in innovation, R&D, green hydrogen hubs, and pilot projects.The EIB is financing green hydrogen investment in Europe and working closely with partners across Africa, Latin America and Asia to accelerate large scale green hydrogen investment.This project, supporting climate action, forms part of the EU’s Global Gateway Initiative in support of projects that improve global and regional connectivity in the digital, climate, transport, health, energy and education sectors. Background informationAbout the EIB:The European Investment Bank is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its 27 Member States. It makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute towards EU policy goals.The EIB brings the experience and expertise of our in-house engineers and economists to help develop and appraise top quality projects. As an AAA-rated, policy-driven EU financial institution, the EIB offers attractive financial terms – competitive interest rates with loan durations aligned with the projects. Through our partnerships with the EU and other donors, we can often provide grants to further improve the development impact of the projects we support.About the EIB in India:Since the beginning of its operations in India in 1993 the EIB supported 26 projects in the country and invested close to EUR 5 billion in transport, energy, agriculture, fisheries and forestry projects as well as India`s small and medium enterprises.About the EIB in Asia:For 25 years, the EIB has supported economic development in Asia and the Pacific region. The projects we finance make people’s lives easier – from cutting travel times in Bangalore with a new metro line, to providing cheaper, cleaner energy to western Nepal.In Asia, we have chosen to focus our lending on climate action across all sectors. We also work to include gender equality in our projects, ensuring that women, men, girls and boys can benefit from projects equally and equitably.About Global Gateway initiativeEIB Global is a key partner in the implementation of the EU’s Global Gateway initiative, by supporting sound projects that improve global and regional connectivity in the digital, climate, transport, health, energy and education sectors. Investing in connectivity is at the very heart of what EIB Global does and has longstanding experience of 60 years. Alongside our partners, fellow EU institutions and EU member states, we aim to support investment of €100 billion, around one third of the overall envelope of the initiative, by the end of 2027.About India H2 Alliance (IH2A)The India H2 Alliance is an industry coalition of global and Indian companies committed to the creation of a hydrogen value-chain and economy in India. IH2A collaborates with private sector partners, the government and the public to ensure that costs of hydrogen production are brought down, a local supply chain for hydrogen and related applications grows and India is able to achieve its net-zero carbon ambitions by developing a hydrogen economy that complements its national renewable energy and EV/battery-technology plans. The IH2A Steering Group comprises of Chart Industries, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), JSW Group, Hero Future Energies and bp, who are supported by the IH2A Secretariat run by consulting firm FTI Consulting. More information on IH2A and its activities, is available at http://www.IH2A.com. Press contactsEIB: Enrico Possenti, e.possenti@eib.org tel.: +352 437982144 / Mobile: +352 691285532Website: http://www.eib.org/press – Press Office: +352 4379 21000 – press@eib.org IH2A: Pragya Gupta, FTI Consulting, Mobile: +91 8130260865 pragya.gupta@fticonsulting.com