(AGENPARL) – gio 22 giugno 2023 Monthly demand at 24.3 billion kWh
Renewable sources covered approximately 43% of national electricity demand, with an increase in
hydroelectric and wind generation
Compared to May 2022, an addition 4,200 MW of photovoltaic and wind systems have been
Rome, 22 June 2023 – According to data collected by Terna, the company that manages the Italian
national transmission grid, led by Giuseppina Di Foggia, in May, total electricity demand in the
country stood at 24.3 billion kWh, a 6.3% decrease compared to the same period in 2022. Industrial
consumption has also decreased, down 8.1% compared to May last year. Breaking the figures down,
there has been an increase in the transport, ceramics and glass and food sectors, and a decrease
in all others, particularly non-ferrous metals.
During the first five months of 2023, electricity demand in Italy fell 4.5% compared to the same period
in 2022 (-4.1% adjusted value).
Analysing the data in detail, May had the same number of working days (22) and an average monthly
temperature that was 1.8°C lower than May 2022. The figure for electricity demand, adjusted for
seasonal and temperature effects, was down by 5.6%. Looking at the regional level, the May 2023
trend was negative across the country: -7.3% in the North, -6.2% in Central Italy and -4.3% in the
South and on the Islands.
In comparative terms, the figure for electricity demand, adjusted for seasonal and temperature
effects, fell by 1.7% compared to April 2023. Terna’s IMCEI index, which considers the industrial
consumption of around 1,000 energy-intensive companies, recorded a decrease of 2.5% compared
to April.
In May 2023, 82.1% of electricity demand in Italy was met by national production and the remainder
(17.9%) by the balance of electricity exchanged with foreign countries. Net domestic production
amounted to 20.1 billion kWh, down 6.7% compared to May 2022. Renewables generated a total of
10.4 billion kWh, covering 42.8% of electricity demand (against 35.6% in May 2022). Generation
from renewables in May can be broken down as follows: 40.3% hydroelectric, 28.1% solar, 14.6%
wind, 12.6% biomass and 4.4% geothermal.
According to Terna’s findings detailed in the monthly report, considering all renewables, in the first
five months of this year the increase in capacity in Italy was 2,001 MW. This value is 1,110 MW
higher (+125%) than the same period of 2022. Overall, compared to May last year, a further 4,200
MW was installed.
Hydroelectric (+33.4%) and wind (+33.8%) production increased, while thermal (-19.8%) and
photovoltaic (-5.4%) production dropped, and geothermal production remained stable (+0.2%).
Relative to the import/export balance, the change amounted to -4.8% due to the combined effect of
decreased imports (-3.3%) and increased exports (+28.5%).
A detailed analysis of provisional 2022 and 2023 monthly electricity demand is available in the
publication “Monthly Report on the Electricity System”, under the section “Electric
System>>Dispatching>>Operating Data>>Monthly Report” at http://www.terna.it.
Real-time data on the operation of the national electricity system can also be found on the Terna
app, available on all app stores:
Monthly Industrial Electricity Consumption Index
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