(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN mar 30 maggio 2023
The President
answered a question by Director General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives
Svetlana Chupsheva on the drone attack on Moscow and the Moscow Region.
Director General of the Agency for Strategic
Initiatives Svetlana Chupsheva: Today we are meeting at the Zotov Centre creative space. I will tell you
everything, Mr President, but I cannot help but ask a question that concerns
many today.
Drones attacked Moscow and the Moscow Region this morning. Can you comment on what happened and what measures
must be taken to prevent such attacks, and how we should react to this?
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: We are beginning with this issue?
As you know, it all began long ago.
I will just need to repeat the story.
After the collapse of the USSR, some rivalry between Russia and Ukraine was inevitable – obviously – but it seems that those who were dealing
with this believed that it would be done in a civilised way, and moreover, with
regard to our historical, cultural and linguistic affinity. But it all went
another way, unfortunately, which should have been expected.
Basically, the territory that is called Ukraine was virtually
controlled from the very beginning by people who, being led by the West, took
the path of not just confronting Russia, but creating an “anti-Russia” on that
To be continued.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/71256