(AGENPARL) – STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN) mer 26 aprile 2023 On 26 April 2023, the Swedish Defence Commission submitted a midterm report to the Minister for Defence Pål Jonson. The report was agreed upon by all political parties represented in the Riksdag. The report included three parts: a review of the implementation of the Government Bill Totalförsvaret 2021–2025 (Total Defence 2021–2025) that the Government adopted on 15 December 2020, suggestions on how Sweden should report its defence expenditures to NATO and a proposal on general guidelines for defence spending between 2026–2030. One of the main conclusions is that the next defence bill should be adopted one year earlier than planned, in 2025 instead of 2026.
Fonte/Source: https://www.government.se/articles/2023/04/the-swedish-defence-commission-has-submitted-a-midterm-report-to-the-minister-for-defence-pal-jonson/