(AGENPARL) – MOSCOW gio 30 marzo 2023
The President took part,
via videoconference, in a ceremony to open new pharmaceutical production
facilities in Kaliningrad, Saransk and St Petersburg.
The OTCPharm Pro plant to open
in Kaliningrad will manufacture a wide range of pharmaceuticals the Russian
market needs, including antibiotics, antivirals, immunomodulators, analgesics,
nootropics and mucolytics.
The Biokhimik facility in Saransk will launch the production of 130 pharmaceutical substances, including medications
to treat oncological and cardiovascular diseases and HIV, as well as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and myorelaxants.
The second stage of the Pharmasyntez-Nord
plant in St Petersburg will increase the production of biotechnological
pharmaceutical substances and drugs for oncological and autoimmune diseases in humans, as well as genetically engineered insulins and the Sputnik Light
Covid-19 vaccine.
Taking part in the event were Deputy
Prime Minister – Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, Minister of Healthcare Mikhail Murashko, Head of the Republic of Mordovia Artem Zdunov,
Governor of the Kaliningrad Region Anton Alikhanov, Governor of St Petersburg
Alexander Beglov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Promomed Pyotr
Bely, OTCPharm CEO Olga Mednikova, and Pharmasyntez President
Vikram Singh Punia.
* * *
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues, good afternoon.
Today, we are opening three new
major pharmaceutical enterprises at once. They include a Biokhimik
facility in Saransk for producing pharmaceutical substances, an OTCPharm Pro
plant in Kaliningrad – as far as I know, it is already up and running – as well
as the second stage of the Pharmasyntez-Nord plant in St Petersburg.
I would like to thank all the specialists who were involved in these important projects. Friends, your
efforts made a meaningful contribution to developing the domestic
pharmaceutical industry and to expanding its capabilities.
The steady and sustained operation
of this sector is vital for our country, and for ensuring that our people can
access affordable quality medicines. This was the case during the Covid
pandemic, when the Russian pharmaceutical industry succeeded in launching the production of the medications we needed within a very tight timeframe, saving the lives and health of millions of people.
Let me note that overall, the sector
has been gathering momentum. Mr Manturov delivered a progress report on this
sector back in January during a meeting with Government members. I will now ask
you to offer us a more detailed review of the state of affairs regarding the production of pharmaceutical substances.
Today’s event is
another step in boosting the production of effective domestic drugs, which,
among other things, will replace the imported analogues patients need,
medications that treat a number of dangerous and socially significant diseases.
I would also like
to note that such high-tech industries create additional jobs for qualified
workers, contribute to the growth of tax revenues, and in this regard, they
bring tangible benefits to the entire Russian economy.
I hope that the national pharmaceutical industry will continue to grow steadily. We need to increase the production
of substances in Russia, and increase the share of locally produced medicines
on the domestic market, including original drugs. We also need to become more
independent from foreign suppliers, especially those of them who have been
creating numerous complications for us.
To deliver on all these objectives,
and to achieve all of them, we need to upgrade equipment and build new
production facilities, improve technology, nurture talent and expand the technical
capabilities of our research and development laboratories and centres, as well
as fine-tune training of specialists, including manufacturing chemists,
pharmaceutical experts and pharmacists.
Of course, the state will continue improving
its support mechanisms for this sector. In particular, this year, we will
launch a programme to issue preferential investment loans for creating facilities
that would make pharmaceutical substances and cover the complete production
cycle of medicines.
I would like to conclude by wishing
all of you, colleagues, and everyone working in this sector, success in your
future work and all the very best.
Mr Manturov, you have the floor,
To be
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/70804