(AGENPARL) – ven 17 marzo 2023 [Mission Concluding Statements](http://www.imf.org/cgi-shl/create_x.pl?ms)
MARCH 17, 2023
We welcome the opportunity to reengage with Libya via an Article IV consultation after a decade-long hiatus. The fragmentation of the country that followed the fall of the Ghaddafi regime in 2011 effectively suspended the production of key economic indicators and complicated policymaking, resulting in difficulties in conducting Article IV consultations. The authorities have recently made commendable progress towards improving data collection, sharing and transparency. Together with the flexibility afforded by the IMF’s new Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCS) strategy, this has paved the way for a resumption of Article IV consultations.
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Testo Allegato:
Camera dei DeputatiUfficio stampa Comunicato17 marzo 2023Attività Banca d’Italia, audizione ViscoMercoledì alle 14.30 diretta webtvMercoledì 22 marzo, alle ore 14.30, presso la Sala del Mappamondo di Montecitorio, la Commissione Finanze della Camera svolge l’audizione del Governatore Ignazio Visco sulle attività svolte dalla Banca d’Italia.L’appuntamento viene trasmesso in diretta webtv. Com00415