(AGENPARL) – mer 15 marzo 2023 [Screenshot (124).png]
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EFSA experts provisionally concluded that mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) do not pose a health concern. They also confirmed that some substances in the group known as mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) are a possible health concern.
Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) comprise a wide range of chemical compounds obtained mainly from petroleum distillation and refining. They are categorised into two main groups referred to as MOSH and MOAH.
“For MOSH, adverse effects on the liver were observed in a specific strain of rat, but the evidence suggests that these effects are not relevant for humans. Therefore, we were able to rule out a risk for public health,” said James Kevin Chipman, Chair of the working group on mineral oil hydrocarbons.
Experts also looked at two different types of MOAH, concluding for one that it may contain genotoxic substances that can damage DNA in cells and may cause cancer. For genotoxins like these it is not possible to establish a safe level.
Little information is available on the occurrence of MOAH in food, so experts worked on two different predictive scenarios, both of which indicated a possible health concern using a margin of exposure approach.
Mineral oil hydrocarbons in food
MOH can enter food in many ways – through environmental contamination, use of lubricants for machinery, release agents, processing aids, food or feed additives and migration from food contact materials. They have been found in a variety of foods, which typically contain higher levels of MOSH than MOAH. The highest levels of MOH were found in vegetable oils and the highest exposure was estimated for young people, especially infants who have been fed exclusively with infant formula containing high levels of MOSH.
Experts recommended that more research is done to quantify the presence of MOAH in food and that toxicity data are collected to better assess the risks they pose. For MOSH, it is important to keep studying the possible long-term effects on human health.
What happens next?
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Keen to find out more about the science behind safe food? Then welcome to ‘Science on the menu’, a podcast produced by the European Food Safety Authority, EFSA. We are a European agency located in Parma, Italy, that assesses and communicates on food risks. Each episode will tell you more about the work done to ensure that food across the European Union is safe. Come join us at our table for Science on the menu.
For inquiries please contact:
Matteucci Francesca
European Food Safety Authority, Via Carlo Magno 1/a, Parma, . 43126 Italy
Testo Allegato: COMUNICATO STAMPA Martina Franca, 15 marzo 2023 San Martino del Sacco, il 17 marzo appuntamento con la cultura e la musica Venerd 17 Marzo, alle 18.30, presso il Salotto Cinese del Palazzo Ducale di Martina Franca, lAmministrazione Comunale, per il tramite dellAssessorato alle Attivit Culturali, ha organizzato un incontro dedicato a San Martino del Sacco e Festa del Patrocinio, in occasione della terza festa civile e religiosa della citt. Ai saluti dellAssessore Carlo Dilonardo, seguir una breve relazione della dottoressa Cristina Comasia Ancona, con alcune letture realizzate dalla Compagnia Teatrale Le Quinte. Alla conclusione dellevento il Complesso Bandistico Citt di Martina Franca eseguir un concerto itinerante nelle vie del centro. Riteniamo doveroso sottolinea lAssessore Carlo Dilonardo porre lattenzione sulle questioni storiche della nostra citt. Lappuntamento di Venerd vuole essere un incontro con la cittadinanza finalizzato a ricordare lamore per la propria terra, il sacrificio e limpegno diuomini che, con il loro atto rivoluzionario, hanno cercato strenuamente di dar luce ai valori di libert e uguaglianza. CITT DI MARTINA FRANCA Provincia di Taranto Segreteria del Sindaco Tel 080/4836316/318/253 mail segreteria HYPERLINK mailtosindaco@comune.martinafranca.ta.it sindaco@comune.martinafranca.ta.it pec protocollo.comunamartinafranca@pec.rupar.puglia.it http://www.comune.martinafranca.ta.it Kglz0qh4wGGF4RE2HUl16M_wtJcJLLm0WQdcCJs0L_z2k(.WOGG2h0bSQ USurxmfwswxVWzpyy/c51so
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