(AGENPARL) – gio 26 gennaio 2023 [Europol]
Press Releases – Just published
[Successful takedown of drug trafficking network in Italy and Albania](https://www.europol.europa.eu/media-press/newsroom/news/successful-takedown-of-drug-trafficking-network-in-italy-and-albania?mtm_campaign=newsletter)
Published on: 26 Jan 2023
Eurojust and Europol have supported judicial and law enforcement authorities in Italy and Albania in dismantling a network of drug traffickers. During a joint action day which saw the involvement of some 350 officers in the field, 30 suspects were arrested and 31 locations were searched. Five rifles, one gun and six vehicles have been seized during the operation. The action day was steered in real-time from Eurojust’s coordination centre. Europol provided operational support on-the-spot by deploying its specialists both to Italy and Albania.
The criminal groups were allegedly responsible for the large-scale trafficking of cocaine, cannabis and heroin mainly from Albania to Italy. Today’s operation is part of a longer-term investigation carried out jointly by the Italian and Albanian authorities, which has already led to the arrest of 62 persons and the seizure of assets worth approximately EUR 1 million (in Italy), as well as to the seizure of huge quantities of drugs.
The case was opened at Eurojust and Europol in 2019. Eurojust organised two coordination meetings in which representatives of the involved authorities came together to discuss the case, exchange information and agree on further steps. The Agency also supported the authorities by setting up and funding a joint investigation team (JIT). Over the course of the investigation, Europol provided in-depth analytical support and expertise, mapping out the different high-profile targets and their criminal activities. The investigation was supported by the European Commission’s project IPA (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance), which – for the first time – was able to financially support operational activities.
The following authorities took part in the investigation:
– Italy: Public Prosecutor’s Office of Bergamo, Central Investigation Service on Organised Crime of the Guardia di Finanza, Economic-Financial Police of Brescia of the Guardia di Finanza, Central Directorate for Anti-Drug Services, Italian International Police Cooperation Service
– Albania: Special Prosecution Office Against Corruption and Organised Crime (SPAK), Albanian State Police – International Cooperation Office of Tirana
Testo Allegato:
UFFICIO STAMPAINVITO STAMPA La Spezia, 26 gennaio 2023 – Venerdì 27 gennaio ricorre il “Giorno della Memoria”, Di seguito il programma della giornata:Venerdì 27 gennaio dalle ore 9 alle ore 9,30 alla presenza del Sindaco della Spezia Pierluigi Peracchini e della massime Autorità Militari, Religiose e Civili avrà luogo la deposizione di una corona di alloro al Monumento ai Caduti nei campi di sterminio nazisti presso il complesso scolastico “2 Giugno”. Di seguito si procederà ad una seconda deposizione di una corona al Monumento ai Deportati Politici in Passeggiata Morin. Alle 11.00 in sala Dante(via Ugo Bassi) si terrà una seduta di Consiglio comunale straordinario durante la quale saranno consegnate le medaglie d’onore a familiari di ex -deportati da parte del Prefetto della Spezia S.E. Maria Luisa Inversini. Successivamente si procederà alla proclamazione dei vincitori della borsa di studio “Cetrelli-Revere” da parte della Presidente ANED Prof.ssa Doriana Ferrato. Al consiglio Comunale parteciperanno, con loro contributi, gli Istituti scolastici del Comune della Spezia