(AGENPARL) – mer 18 gennaio 2023 INGV | Paolo Papale nominato Fellow dell’International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
[Roma, 18 gennaio 2023]
Paolo Papale, Dirigente di Ricerca dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), è stato nominato Membro Onorario (Fellow) dell’International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
Fondata nel 1919, la IUGG è la confederazione internazionale leader a livello mondiale che riunisce sotto un’unica egida otto grandi società scientifiche operanti in campo geofisico.
Il riconoscimento è stato conferito a Paolo Papale “per le ricerche innovative e di alto livello nel campo della modellazione geochimica, della vulcanologia e della valutazione dei rischi vulcanici, cui si accompagnano importanti ricadute sociali”.
Laureato in Scienze Geologiche all’Università di Pisa, Paolo Papale ha guidato numerosi progetti nazionali e della Comunità Europea nei campi della vulcanologia e della pericolosità vulcanica. Ha diretto il Dipartimento Vulcani dell’INGV, è stato Presidente di Divisione e membro del Consiglio Scientifico dell’European Geosciences Union, ed è membro del Consiglio Direttivo e Vice-Presidente dell’Academia Europaea nella quale riveste il ruolo di Chair della Classe di Scienze Esatte.
La presentazione della Fellowship si terrà a Berlino il prossimo 19 luglio 2023 durante la Cerimonia di chiusura della ventottesima Assemblea Generale dello IUGG.
Link [International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)](https://iugg.org/).
#ingv #iugg #fellow #geofisica #geochimica #ricerca #vulcanologia
Foto – Il Dirigente di Ricerca dell’INGV, Paolo Papale
[IUGG logo.jpg]
Valeria De Paola
Capo Ufficio Stampa
INGV | Paolo Papale nominated Fellow of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
[Rome, January 18, 2023]
Paolo Papale, Research Director of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), has been nominated Honorary Member (Fellow) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
Founded in 1919, the IUGG is the world’s leading international confederation that brings together eight major scientific societies operating in the geophysical field.
The award was given to Paolo Papale “for ground-breaking and highly considered research in geochemical modelling, volcanology and volcanic risk assessment, with significant societal impact”.
Paolo Papale graduated in Geological Sciences at the University of Pisa. He coordinated several national and European projects in volcanology and volcanic hazards. He has been Director of the Volcanoes Division of INGV; Division President and member of the Scientific Council of the European Geosciences Union; and he is member of the Board of Trustees and Vice-President of the Academia Europaea where he chairs the Class of Exact Sciences.
The presentation of the Fellowship will be held in Berlin on 19 July 2023 during the Closing Ceremony of the 28th IUGG General Assembly.
Link [International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)](https://iugg.org/).
#ingv #iugg #fellow #geophysics #geochemistry #research #volcanology
Photo: Paolo Papale, Research Director of the INGV
[IUGG logo.jpg]
Valeria De Paola
Chief Press Officer
Testo Allegato: Press Office
��06 51860572
INGV comunicazione
Via di Vigna Murata, 605
00143 Roma
INGV Comunicazione Social
, 202
Paolo Papal
, Research Director of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
has been nominated Honorary Member (Fellow) of the International Union
Founded in 1919, the IUGG is the world’s leading international conf
ederation that brings
The award was given to Paolo Papale
“for ground
breaking and highly considered research
in geochemical modelling, volcanology and volcanic risk assessment,
with significant
Paolo Papale graduated in Geological Sciences at the University of Pisa. He coordinated
several national and European projects in volcanology and volcanic hazards. He has been
Director of the Volcanoes Division of INGV; D
ivision President and member of the
Scientific Council of the European Geosciences Union; and he is member of the Board of
The presentation of the Fellowship
will be held in Berlin on 19 July 2023 during the
Closing Ceremony of the 2
IUGG General Assembly
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG
Valeria De Paola
Chief Press Officer